[情報] 07/16 水瓶運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間9年前 (2015/07/15 18:09), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/qI2a2R Astrology.com Today, feel free to disagree with someone you care about. After all, you can have an argument without getting into a fight -- as long as you focus on the intellectual connection you're exploring, and not the personal opinions you may or may not share. Remove your personal biases or preferences from the situation, and that will enable the person you're speaking with to do the same. When you both realize that no one's feelings are going to get hurt, you'll have a rewarding experience. 今天(07/16)如果與在乎的人意見不合時,可以放膽與對方說明。 畢竟,你們不會因為不同意彼此想法而打架 - 只要你就事論事,別放個人情緒進去。 把個人的偏見與好惡放一旁,對方也會因此做同樣的事。 當你們兩個人都知道感情不會因此受傷害的話,你們這次激烈討論將會有不錯的體驗呢! http://goo.gl/Mk2Jkb Astrocenter.com Business and financial success makes you happy and satisfied, Aquarius. You also look forward to moving on. The downside of this flush period is that people who aren't particularly trustworthy might decide to latch onto your coattails for their own purposes. Some might even ask for loans. Be careful about the ones you assist. They might not be honest with you. Don't fall for any sob stories. 職場與財務狀況都很成功呢!這令瓶子們既開心又滿意,你也期待要再往上一層了。 唯一美中不足的是,這樣的成功會引來一些你不應該信任的人, 他們可能藉此想要自私的來分一杯羹,甚至有人還會想跟你借點錢來花花。 小心確認那些你想要幫助的人,他們所說可悲慘故事可能不會完全是真的。 -- 克萊兒今天還沒出現… -- 關於職場;關於英文。 歡迎來我的部落格一起分享交流~ http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ Personal / Enterprise Branding。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1436954992.A.7B0.html

07/15 18:51, , 1F
07/15 18:51, 1F

07/15 20:39, , 2F
07/15 20:39, 2F

07/16 03:26, , 3F
07/16 03:26, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1LfZ5mUm (Aquarius)