[情報] 05/20 水瓶運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間9年前 (2015/05/19 18:19), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/zZeP77 Astrology.com The most solid-looking brick wall is not a real obstacle today -- step closer and give it a little poke. Chances are, it will instantly crumble at your feet. Any person who is causing stress or putting pressure on you right now is similar to that brick wall... so stand up straight and don't be intimidated. You should match them word for word and call their bluff. In an instant, you can turn everything around and find yourself in a very powerful position. 今天(05/20)你眼前面對的那片磚牆其實不是真正阻礙 - 往前站一步然後輕輕戳它一下。 很有可能的,你會發現它立刻在你面前垮掉。 同樣的,你身上感覺到那些他人給的壓力其實也類似這情況。勇敢站出來,別被嚇倒了。 對照他人所說的話,然後面對他們的虎假虎威; 很快的,你會發現自己站在一個更有力的角度來對付他們。 http://goo.gl/GSBQiL Astrocenter.com Don't spend beyond your means today, Aquarius! If you happen to be in a crowd of enthusiastic shoppers, it could be disastrous for your wallet. You could yield to the prevailing spending mood all too easily! On the other hand, perhaps you owe yourself a treat. If you feel this is the case, at least limit yourself a bit. 瓶子們,小心別花超過自己能負荷的金額! 如果你跟著一些愛血拼的朋友們一起,很容易就跟著想要一直花錢了,這對錢包很傷啊! 當然,你可能也覺得自己很久沒有對自己好一點了… 如果是這樣的話,記得還是有所節制吧! http://goo.gl/K9lflW Claire's There are so many paths you could do down in your career right now, but you seem to be stuck on doing what looks right rather than what feels right. Shocking news today could change this. 職場上能走的路其實很多,但你一直把自己困在那條看起來是對的路; 卻沒有想想是不是你感覺真正對的路上。 今天會有驚人的消息來讓你認清這件事。 http://goo.gl/IT8x7F Frank's Does it feel as if things are working against you today? Is it people who are putting obstacles in your way? Or is it just that you’re getting a bit paranoid as there’s a lot to lose if you mess up? See things from a different angle and you’ll manage to turn the negative to the positive. 今天(05/20)是不是覺得一切都在跟你作對?是不是其他人都在路上給你擺障礙? 還是其實…是你自己有點太過偏執了?因為擔心自己搞雜了會損失很多? 讓自己用不同的角度看事情吧,這樣你就能把負面情緒轉化成正面的了。 -- 今天才下午4點多就想下班了 XDDDD 快回家擺爛! -- 簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1432030754.A.314.html

05/19 18:30, , 1F
05/19 18:30, 1F

05/19 18:41, , 2F
05/19 18:41, 2F

05/19 20:26, , 3F
Claire……… T_T
05/19 20:26, 3F

05/19 21:04, , 4F
05/19 21:04, 4F

05/19 23:03, , 5F
05/19 23:03, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1LMmuYCK (Aquarius)