[情報] 04/30 水瓶運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間9年前 (2015/04/30 10:42), 編輯推噓4(400)
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http://goo.gl/tI98RV Astrology.com If you're attached, your significant other may voice an objection regarding the amount of time you spend with your friends, your favorite cause or both. Instead of an argument based on your absolute refusal to deal with 'shoulds,' offer to take them along next time, and peace could be restored without much ado. You could face an equally emotional moment with a stranger, too. Either way, be careful, or the world may discover just how aloof you really aren't. 有伴侶的朋友們,另一半可能會因為你花太多時間與朋友玩樂或做你自己的事而抗議。 與其花時間與對方爭吵,不如下次就邀請他們一起參加吧,這樣會少掉很多紛爭。 同時,你與陌生人也可能會有些情緒交流的機會;不管是與伴侶或陌生人, 記得要小心,別讓其他人發現你太過熱情的那一面。 http://goo.gl/KSey6i Astrocenter.com Today you may feel especially sensual and passionate, Aquarius. This is the perfect evening to schedule quality time with a current or potential love partner. You're probably looking and feeling attractive, and this fact isn't likely to be lost on your friend. Scatter some pillows, add some flowers, put out some cheese, fruit, and white wine, and be prepared for anything! 今天瓶子們可能感覺自己很有慾望與熱情;最好把今晚的時間花在另一半或曖味對象上。 你可能感覺自己今晚很性感迷人,而且別人也能感受的到。 所以,把枕頭擺好、買點花、拿出起士與水果、再配點白酒,為可能的事都做好準備吧! http://goo.gl/WLSanX Claire's You want to spend more time with someone, but the way you're acting is giving them the opposite impression. Be honest about what you want. Pleasing answers are yours if you do so today. 你其實很想多花點時間與某人相處,不過,你所表現出來的暗示卻是相反的哦。 就誠實的講出口,對方其實會很樂意附議的。 http://goo.gl/opg7Eg Frank's Your career and professional life seem to be on an upward curve, but if you’re between jobs just now there’s something wonderful waiting for you just around the corner, so keep your eyes and ears open. You have everything to play for financially. Remember that. 你的工作與職場生活看起來應該是在走上坡的路了。 或者如果你剛好在轉職過程中,其實好事已經在轉角等你了,所以記得張大眼睛與耳朵。 記住,你有許多方式可以為自己掙得更多的財富。 -- Sorry…昨天去看展,回家就累得跟狗一樣了… 今天特地一邊工作一邊偷翻譯 XDDD -- Personal / Enterprise Branding。 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1430361733.A.788.html

04/30 12:12, , 1F
04/30 12:12, 1F

04/30 12:16, , 2F
04/30 12:16, 2F

04/30 13:17, , 3F
謝謝翻譯~ 工作上坡!
04/30 13:17, 3F

04/30 21:40, , 4F
04/30 21:40, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1LGPQ5U8 (Aquarius)