[情報] 04/28 水瓶運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間9年前 (2015/04/27 18:43), 編輯推噓9(903)
留言12則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/hYzbKk Astrology.com Stepping forward into a brave new emotional world often entails some kind of upheaval, but what's the worst that could happen? You have so much to gain if you make a move, and plenty to lose if you stay mired in an increasingly stale situation. Ditch the stagnation and do everything you can to move forward. You've grown too much and come too far to let a case of nerves stop you. Feel the fear and do it anyway. 往前跨出到一個全新的世界是需要承擔變動所帶來的不安感;但是,還能有什麼更糟的呢? 當你明白,行動可以獲得許多;反之,讓自己停留在這個泥沼不前進就會失去些什麼。 甩開泥濘的情況,讓自己不顧一切的往前進吧; 你已經成長許多,不應該讓一點情緒阻止你向前走。 享受你的不安,然後就起步走吧! http://goo.gl/LUmboR Astrocenter.com The forecast for you is excellent, Aquarius. You can rely on today's aspects to restore your confidence, which has been sorely tried in the past few days. The warrior of seduction within you can swagger forth, certain of conquest. However, don't go too far. Wait a few days for reality to dispel the cloud of ecstasy and you will be able to see the future more clearly. 瓶子們目前的未來預測狀況是極佳的。 你能從今天(04/28)的情況來讓自己有自信一點,不然過去幾天你的自信心都快被磨光了。 魅力之神與你同在,讓你可以抬頭挺胸,帶著征服的自信心前進。 不過,先別操之過急。等個幾天讓現實將迷濛的雲層撥開,你將能更清楚的看清一切。 http://goo.gl/1XZlNn Claire's Friends turn into lovers for many of you but you only have the next ten days to make some very important decisions. Time is of the essence, so don't be backwards in coming forwards with your feelings. 你們當中應該有許多人能在友誼中找到愛情,但你們將只有接下來約10天的時間下決定。 時間很寶貴,別讓應該往前的情感不進反退了。 http://goo.gl/Urpioh Frank's The moon is still in your opposite sign but it wont be there much longer, so although things begin quietly, as the day progresses you’ll start to feel more like your old self again. Come this evening you’re under the spotlight and the life and soul of the party. 月亮仍然處在你的反向宮位,但它不會繼續待在那裡太久。 雖然一切都似乎靜悄悄的,但當時光慢慢移動,你會漸漸開始感覺以前的自己又回來了。 晚上外出吧,你將會重新成為生命與靈魂的焦點。 -- 嗯…今天法蘭克的最後一句有點不確定… 要是有更好的解釋,請教一下我吧。 :-) -- Personal / Enterprise Branding。 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1430131427.A.2E8.html

04/27 19:18, , 1F
04/27 19:18, 1F

04/27 19:53, , 2F
04/27 19:53, 2F

04/27 20:22, , 3F
明天比賽 加油!
04/27 20:22, 3F

04/27 21:26, , 4F
派對中的靈魂人物!? 我亂猜的
04/27 21:26, 4F

04/27 21:31, , 5F
04/27 21:31, 5F

04/27 23:22, , 6F
04/27 23:22, 6F

04/27 23:33, , 7F
04/27 23:33, 7F

04/28 00:17, , 8F
04/28 00:17, 8F

04/28 00:31, , 9F
04/28 00:31, 9F

04/28 00:31, , 10F
另外怎麼感覺前三個都叫我衝一發的 QQ
04/28 00:31, 10F

04/28 18:52, , 11F
04/28 18:52, 11F

04/28 20:45, , 12F
沒有對象可以衝啊!! 剩十天是怎樣啦 O_Q
04/28 20:45, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1LFXBZBe (Aquarius)