[情報] 04/16 水瓶運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間9年前 (2015/04/15 17:44), 編輯推噓5(503)
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http://goo.gl/C79MJd Astrology.com Focus on planning today, and you will effortlessly see all the wrinkles that need to be ironed out -- way before they start to cause problems. Casting your gaze forward in time is an excellent use of your energy. You will be able to reserve the dates you want, find the help you need or discover the perfect venue for your event. Write all your new ideas down, because sooner or later you will be able to use all of them. 今天(04/16)要把精力花在專心計劃,這樣你就能不費力氣的發現那些需要被燙平的皺折-- 而且是在它們開始給你造成困擾之前就搞定!儲備你的精神好好把力氣花在刀口上。 你將會有機會順利安排到你想要的約會,趕快找相關的人幫忙計劃行程吧。 還有,把所有的想法都記錄下來,因為你遲早會把它們全用上。 http://goo.gl/GM0iWJ Astrocenter.com Your mental powers should be especially acute today, Aquarius. Your mind will be quick and receptive and your communicative abilities exceptionally sharp. You feel on top of the world, as though you could sell anything to anybody! Make the most of this surge of intellectual power by beginning any new projects you've been considering. 今天(04/16)瓶子們的心智程度十分準確,你的反應很、吸收能力強、溝通力也超敏銳。 感覺就像是站在世界的頂端,像是你向任何人兜售任何產品他們都會買單。 好好運用自己今天的能力,開始嘗試那些你一直都在思考階段的專案最好。 http://goo.gl/hDciBy Claire's Success is in front of you. Just take off those blinkers you've been wearing so you can see the pot holes as well as the advantages of your situation. It can and will make all the difference. 成功就在眼前,你只需要把你的眼罩打開就能看見露出曙光的天。 它將會帶給你不同的境界。 http://goo.gl/99dfkT Frank's You’re coming to a testing time where it will be all fits and starts in work situations, but don’t be tempted to ignore them. They wont go away. It would be better if you attempted to face them one at a time as they arise. Others are watching your progress. Impress them. 你正在進入一個被測試的時期,這些考驗將會一陣一陣的在職場上發生。 別想要逃避它們,不面對的話,這些都不會消失。 最好是慢慢的各個擊破,因為還有其他人的觀察你的表現,讓大家對你印象深刻吧! -- 昨天竟然很有種的跟上司大吵了一架…覺得太過委屈,回家大哭了一場,就自己放假了… 希望這都不是我的傲嬌作祟…是真的與對方無法溝通啊啊啊… >< -- Personal / Enterprise Branding。 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1429091088.A.78B.html

04/15 18:06, , 1F
04/15 18:06, 1F

04/15 20:22, , 2F
04/15 20:22, 2F

04/15 22:09, , 3F
04/15 22:09, 3F

04/16 00:20, , 4F
04/16 00:20, 4F

04/16 01:26, , 5F
04/16 01:26, 5F

04/16 10:26, , 6F
04/16 10:26, 6F

04/16 16:00, , 7F
牡羊座的羊角真的是用來衝撞的…XDDDD 謝謝各位的拍拍。
04/16 16:00, 7F

04/16 16:00, , 8F
我有繼續振作了。 :-) (牡羊座的樂天也是很強的 - -+)
04/16 16:00, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1LBZCGUB (Aquarius)