[情報] 04/10 水瓶運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間9年前 (2015/04/09 17:55), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/3fYNYv Astrology.com You're about to rush headlong into an encounter with someone who's so interesting and unusual -- no, downright fascinating -- that you might actually be able to picture yourself spending more than just a few evenings with them. Well, if that's truly the case, don't bother with a movie. Why waste valuable getting-to-know-you time in silence, and the kind of darkness that makes you feel awkward, not closer? Have coffee or a nice bottle of wine instead, at that cute little place around the corner - and talk! 你即將要在意外的情況之下遇上某個有趣且不平凡的人,不,應該是說非常迷人的對象。 甚至,你都可以想像自己與這個對象共渡不只幾個少少的夜晚而已。 如果這次的相遇真的這麼讓你喜愛的話,別把時間浪費在一起看電影而已。 為什麼要把認識彼此的珍貴時光花在安靜、黑漆漆、又讓人彆扭的地方?而不是靠近一點? 一起喝杯咖啡或是開瓶酒吧,把時光花在角落那間小小的店 - 然後好好大聊一番! http://goo.gl/4mPpqP Astrocenter.com You're apt to feel emotionally brave today, Aquarius, so take advantage of this feeling by extending it to the people around you. Try not to get anxious or jump ahead of yourself. Enjoy where you are at this very moment. Don't get stressed about things you feel you need to do. Be happy with yourself regardless of what you end up accomplishing. 今天(04/10)的瓶子帶有勇敢的情緒,所以把這股氣勢散發給周遭的人吧。 試著別讓自己太過焦慮或急著想超越自己,就好好享受自己現在的位置。 也別對小事感到太過有壓力,不管今天你完成了什麼,都要為自己開心。 http://goo.gl/iNmBEy Claire's Many of your sign will be toying with the idea of trying new jobs or careers. Finally, you feel you have more freedom of choice due to a change in personal circumstances. 你們可能又會開始漫不經心的想著是否應該換個工作或環境。 因為一個自我的轉換,你會終於感覺自己有更多選擇的自由。 http://goo.gl/DvwObz Frank's It’s time to look around you, assess what works in your life and what doesn’t, and then jettison the dead wood. You need a clear path to move ahead on, with no hurdles to slow you down. Money matters start to ease, giving you a timely bonus. You’ll sleep well tonight. 是時候看看自己生命中還有哪些資源值得保留,哪些應該丟棄了。 你需要為自己整理出一條乾淨好走的步道,不要讓任何的障礙讓你慢下來。 財務的事也終於稍微緩和下來了,讓你的時間變得不那麼緊湊,終於能好好睡上一覺了。 -- 今天除了第一篇以外,其他的怎麼都講得很玄…好難翻啊… -- Personal / Enterprise Branding。 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1428573348.A.662.html

04/09 19:57, , 1F
04/09 19:57, 1F

04/09 20:50, , 2F
04/09 20:50, 2F

04/09 23:59, , 3F
04/09 23:59, 3F

04/10 05:00, , 4F
04/10 05:00, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1L9aoaPY (Aquarius)