[翻譯] Creating Depth and perspective in an …

看板Aquarium作者 (卡特小陳)時間16年前 (2008/05/08 20:53), 編輯推噓19(1903)
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剛好看到最新期的水族造景雜誌,因為一直覺得自己的魚缸好像少了點什麼, 這篇文讓我又有想翻缸的衝動,所以試著翻譯看看, 看能不能一起生火,大家一起來翻缸吧~XD。(老闆…,我有在看論文耶。) ---------------廢話結束,本文開始---------- AquaScaping World 五月號,文章標題如題。 I am going explain the principle of perspective, a very important consideration to take into account when aquascaping an aquarium. For the purposes of demonstrating these principles I have used photos of my own aquaria. There are a number of ways to give your aquascape perspective. I will explain how to create depth and perspective effectively. 我將要解釋透視的準則,一個當您在設計水族造景的時候, 需要考慮到的很重要的想法。 為了舉例這些準則,我使用了大量了我自己水族造景的圖片, 有許多方法可以讓您的水族造景有透視的效果,我將介紹如何有效的創造它們。 Substrate Positioning 底床(*1)擺設 Before you even begin to aquascape the aquarium, you can create a sense of depth and perspective using only the substrate. By sloping the substrate towards the back of the aquarium, you immediately give the impression that the tank is deeper than it really is. 在您開始造景前,您可以單單利用底床就可以創造出景深及透視的感覺, 利用坡的斜度朝向水族箱的後方,馬上就可以讓魚缸看起來比實際上看起來的還要深。 Sand paths through the“centre” of the tank are popular, and can greatly increase the perspective of the aquascape. The path should start out wide at the front of the aquarium, and get progressively narrower the further back it goes. This gives the impression of the path disappearing into the distance. An excellent example can be found in Peter Kirwan’s iwagumi feature in the April 2008 issue. 將砂鋪成穿透魚缸的中央是常見的方式,可以大大的增加造景的透視效果, 砂子應該一開始前面鋪的廣一點,然後往後漸漸的變窄, 這可以給人一種砂隨著距離消失的感覺, 有一個傑出的例子可以參考前期(四月號)的日式石頭造景文章。 *1 我覺得這邊底床可不可以解釋為包含"硬景觀"在內的東西? Choose the Right Plants 選擇對的植物 Small leaved plants are very effective at making an aquascape seem larger than it really is. In the past, I have had several people say my aquascapes always appear larger then they are. They assume my tank was 60cm or even larger. In actually the dimensions of the tank are mere 40cm (25l). 小葉的植物,可以非常有效的讓水族造景看起來比實際上的大小還要大, 過去,有很多人說我的水族造景看起來比他們的還要大(譯按:鄉民都有30公分) 他們會覺得我的缸有60公分甚至更大,可是實際上魚缸只有40公分。 The trick is to use variety of small leaf plants that take up very little retail space in your aquascape. Place them in small groups. As these aquatic plants grow they will form a very dense and lush bush, without making the scape appear heavy or overly done. Plants such as Xmas Moss, Riccia, and Mayacca are excellent species to use because of their fine leave structures. 這小技巧是利用種種小葉植物,他們佔的水族造景空間不多,將它們小群小群的種, 當它們長大的時候,它們就會變的非常的茂密, 且不會讓造景看起來太超過(譯按:是不是有讓主題比較簡單化的意思?) 這些小葉植物,例如:聖誕墨絲,鹿角苔,mayacca(抱歉,學名的中文我不知道) 都是非常好的選擇。 Fish to Fit Your Scape 選適合您的景的魚 The use of small fish such as Microrasboras (Boraras spp.) can really finish off a small aquarium. A school of 10 in a 25 litre aquarium can look impressive, and are well suited to the smaller aquaria. In larger tanks, say 60 litres plus, schools of Tetras or Rasboras can have a similar effect. Larger fish such as Discus are best only kept for large aquaria, as they can force the aquarium appear smaller and can seem overpowering to a degree, distracting attention from the all important aquascape. 小型魚的使用例如Microrasboras(譯按:對不起,這邊的學名我都不知道中文), 非常的適合小造景。一群大概十隻的魚群, 群游在水量25公升的魚缸中,非常的適合,且與較小的造景非常的搭。 在較大的魚缸中,例如水量六十公升以上的,Tetras or Rasboras的群游, 也會有相似的效果,而大一點的魚,如Discus最好只用在大的水景中, 因為它們會讓造景看起來比較小,如果放在小景中會太有力, 會讓吸引力從造景上分散掉。 Photography 攝影技巧 The way you photograph your aquarium can greatly influence its appearance or perspective. The pictures of my newly set up tank both show the same aquascape, at the same point in time. The only difference is, the latter has been shot at a much wider focal length. This increases the aquascape’s apparent perspective in the photograph. Notice how the aquascape in the wider photo (right) appears to shrink into the distance, whereas the other photo (left) seems flat, and two dimensional. 您拍攝您的造景的方式會大大的影響它的外觀或是透視效果。 如我最近新設的缸,同樣的景,同樣的時間點拍攝的, 但是唯一的不同是:下圖(請參照雜誌)的焦距比較廣,這增加了造景拍攝起來的透視度。 請注意到,造景是如何在比較廣角的照片中,會因距離看起來而有縮小的效果, 而另外一張照片就看起來比較平面,比較2D(譯按:比較不立體) ------------------------------ 初次翻譯,請鞭。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: carterchan 來自: (05/08 20:54) ※ 編輯: carterchan 來自: (05/08 21:05)

05/08 21:09, , 1F
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05/08 21:13, , 2F
Mayacca>松尾 microrasboras>波魚(班馬...三角燈 等)
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◢┌───┐▏ 感謝您的熱心分享 !!
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z─◥└───┘▏ │ ◥████▊
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x √ ̄ ̄ ̄﹨│ │╰ ████▋ 囧
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x ∕ ╲ ∕ ╲ ├─╮ ████▍ ╯
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x ∕ ╲ ╴╴╲╴ ╲ │ ◥██◤
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x ︳ ╲ ╱\\\\ \\\\  ̄ ̄████
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控碼沒寫好 按空白或pagedown會這樣 按"下"一次看一行就ok
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文章代碼(AID): #188lVaIC (Aquarium)