[徵才] 美國西太平洋國家實驗室Aerosol PostDoc

看板AfterPhD作者 (哆啦)時間4年前 (2020/02/04 10:11), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Pacific Northwest National Lab 徵求一名PostDoc (環工、材料、化學領域) 以下為徵才訊息,有意者可站內信聯絡或自行上網應徵 https://careers.pnnl.gov/JobOpeningID=310319 ---- Job Description We are seeking for an outstanding postdoctoral research associate to join a multidisciplinary research team, primarily focusing on atmospheric chemistry and physics. The candidate should have knowledge in atmospheric processes. The postdoctoral research associate would work on laboratory and field studies of atmospheric physics and chemistry using several microscopy-spectroscopy techniques or advanced mass spectrometry platforms. The candidate will also have opportunities to work at light source capabilities to probe into the physical and chemical properties of atmospheric particles. In particular, the postdoctoral researcher will apply electron microscopy, spectroscopy or high-resolution mass spectrometry techniques. Experience in the use of data analysis tools, such as Matlab, R or Python are required. The candidate is expected to perform experiments, analyze and interpret data, participate in manuscript writing and present research findings at conferences and workshops. Since Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) is a scientific user facility, the candidate is also expected to participate in some of the user activities associated with micro-spectroscopy or mass spectrometry capabilities in EMSL. Minimum Qualifications Candidates must have received a PhD within the past five years (60 months) or within the next 8 months from an accredited college or university. Preferred Qualifications Experience with TEM, SEM and/or mass spectrometry capabilities is preferred Experience in the use of data analysis tools, such as Matlab, R or Python are required PhD in Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Chemistry or related field. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AfterPhD/M.1580782305.A.0A3.html
文章代碼(AID): #1UEDBX2Z (AfterPhD)