Pass The Distance

看板AcidRock作者 (soulful......  )時間19年前 (2004/11/03 13:33), 編輯推噓0(000)
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會想寫這篇文章動機很單純 已經很久沒聽到令我動容許久幾近瘋狂的歌了 一首歌 Jerusalem 耶路撒冷 一張消失了三十年的經典迷幻民謠 因為 Current 93首腦 David Tibet 意外的認識小唱片行的店員 意外的聆聽了一首 Jerusalem 讓這張 Simon Finn 唯一的專輯重現於世 Simon Finn 在70年代一個默默無名的年輕小伙子 靠著走唱賣藝維生 唯一較出名的事績也許他音樂生涯的開始是為 Al Stewart 暖場 但也沒多久 在錄了這張 Pass The Distance之後 開始漸漸有人注意到這張專輯 但他也跟著消失了 唯一的一張專輯也漸漸地變成止於討論 從專輯內頁的文字介紹中得知他過著與一般農夫沒有兩樣的生活 直到 David Tibet 聯繫上他為止 也使我們有機會聆聽到這張原本已經變為傳說的專輯 認識這位原本已經被人認為已經自殺的人物 自己已經習慣於在網路上看著各式各樣的音樂資訊 偶然的一天 看到 Other Music網站 Staff Pick中幾乎每個人都選了 Pass The Distance為最愛專輯之一 當時很有趣的是腦海中馬上浮現的是會不會和 Neil Finn有關 看了看網站上的專輯封面 覺得頗可愛 但也沒有購買的慾望 一直到看了文字介紹 發現是自己也許會喜歡的迷幻民謠曲風 才透過網路買了這張專輯 前四首歌說實話聽了沒有太大印象 唸書時聽聽隨著音樂播放時間的流逝 也就這樣過去了 但聽到第五首歌 Jerusalem 時 我整個人頓時停了下來 Simon Finn 好似瘋狂一般 唱到最後整個人有如哭泣嘶吼一般陷入一種未知的瘋狂狀態 I'm crying: Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem oh no no Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem oh no no 讓我想起瘋狂鑽石 Syd barrett服用藥物過量後歌唱的情景 但是 Simon Finn的歌聲更為激動 整個人的情緒釋放與那無窮止盡的能量 讓人感動的起雞皮疙瘩 我放了這首歌整個晚上 讓自己的情緒與內在的能量換化成與他一樣所想要表達的感覺 是否有年輕時前衛吉他手 David Toop助陣 有手鼓與電風琴的搭配都不重要 重要的是 Simon Finn 的歌聲 動能與激情 哭泣與失落 網站中有詳盡的介紹 Jerusalem--- The smell of newly-cut corn came sifting through the palm trees My eyes they were blinded by the sun reflecting on the seas One hundred dozen mermaids smiled as I passed through the haze The sound of familiar voices of yonder days Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem oh no no Jerusalem was made by a guy oh I forget his name And Jesus was a drop-out a king who bore no crown Only his long hair flowing and blowing in the wind And Jesus was a fisherman that's all he had to say Oh yeah, said "now follow me disciples lead your lives a different way" And he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey both bedraggled and lame And his Pharisees cursed his every word But did not laugh---that made a change And Jesus was a good guy who lived on figs and wine A political revolutionary out to let you have good time Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem oh no no The sun it was rising just to christen his cross of fame Did he imagine at that moment two hundred million hypocrites would praise his name? And were he now to come down those hypocrites would crucify him again And through the sweating crowds, tears streaming down my face till I'm going insane I'm crying: Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem oh no no Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem oh no no The smell of newly-cut corn came sifting through the palm trees My eyes they were blinded by the sun reflecting on the seas Well that same sun was rising just to christen his cross of fame Did he imagine at that moment two hundred million hypocrites would praise his name? And were he now to come down those hypocrites would crucify him again And through the sweating crowds, tears streaming down my face till I'm going insane I'm crying: Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem oh no no Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem oh no no They're gonna put him inside And I'm yelling all I can can't you see he's the Christ? oh no no And they don't understand a single word I say But I'm crying just the same Jerusalem Jerusalem, Jerusalem, oh no no Jerusalem Jerusalem, Jerusalem, oh no no Gonna put him inside I'm yelling all I can can't you see he's the Christ Oh the Christ the Christ the Christ Jerusalem Jerusalem, Jerusalem -- 我的不才明日報 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #11Y6sNwD (AcidRock)