[S.S.] 美網奪冠後 Interview

看板AUS_Tennis作者 (會高興很久很久)時間12年前 (2011/09/15 04:02), 編輯推噓2(201)
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An Interview With: Samantha Stosur Sunday, September 11, 2011 THE MODERATOR: Before we started today's press conference, raise your glasses and toast the 2011 US Open champion, Sam Stosur. (Applause.) 賽後發表會主席 : 在進行今日記者會前,讓我們先為2011年美網公開賽冠軍得主 - Sam Stosur 乾杯! Q. Is this a bit surreal, the emphatic nature of it all and how quickly it went and everything else? How do you describe it ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, I'm still kind of speechless. I can't actually believe I won this tournament. I guess to go out there and play the way I did is obviously just an unbelievable feeling, and you always, you know, hope and you want to be able to do that, but to actually do it, is unbelievable. Q. 此次勝利是否有點夢幻,它來得如此自然,甚至比想像中還快,妳怎麼形容奪冠 當下的感覺 ? A. 嗯嗯,其實我此刻仍驚訝到想不出話講,我無法真的相信我贏了美網冠軍,我在 球場上經歷的..是很不可思議的感覺,你總是希望有能力贏得比賽,但當你真的 確實地完成它,這是很難以置信的。 Q. On behalf of Australia, congratulations, first of all. SAMANTHA STOSUR: Thanks. Q. 首先代表澳大利亞,恭喜妳奪冠。 A. 謝謝。 Q. You were up against quite a formidable opponent. How did you rate your chances coming into today ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Well, I mean, I felt like I was definitely the underdog going into it, so maybe that kind of made me a little more relaxed going into this match than especially my last Grand Slam final. I think I was able to draw on a lot of that experience from the French Open. You know, I had to believe I had a chance to win. I think obviously having two victories over her in the past definitely helped me feel that it was possible. I knew that I had to go out there and play well and actually do it, but I think having those victories in the past for sure made me feel a little bit more comfortable. Q. 這場決賽,妳要面對的,是位很可怕的對手,賽前你覺得勝算有多少 ? A. 嗯,我覺得自己超不被看好,所以我心情放鬆了一點,不完全把它當作大滿貫的 決賽來打,我利用2010年法網決賽的經驗,你懂得,我得相信我有機會獲勝,過 去和小威交手有過兩次勝利,這讓我相信有擊敗她的可能性。我了解必須真的走 到球場上,確確實實地做到,而過去的交戰紀錄,的確讓我增加了一點信心。 Q. Obviously there was the controversy about the call. It was a big moment in the match. From your perspective, you know, there is some latitude in the hindrance rule. Did you feel like she made, the umpire made the proper call ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Well, I mean, I don't know. Everything happened so quickly out there, and you're trying to get to the ball and play every single shot. I guess the rules of tennis are there for a reason. She made the call that she felt was right. Q. 剛剛在場上有個具爭議的判決,恰好發生在關鍵時刻,依你的看法,判罰規則總 有轉圜的餘地,你認為主審的判決恰當嗎 ? A. 嗯..,我不曉得,一切發生得太快了,那時我正忙著救球,試著打好每一分,我 認為網球規則有其存在的理由,她做了她覺得正確的判決。 Q. Did you feel it was a ball you could have possibly returned ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: I can't even totally remember the whole point. Like I said, everything happens out there so fast, and then the crowd and the noise and everything else, so I don't know. Q. 你認為那球有救到的可能性嗎 ? A. 我無法回想起那分裡發生的一切,我剛說了,事情來得很突然,然後觀眾開始鼓 譟,一片混亂,所以...我不曉得。 Q. If you can share your thoughts, did you ever feel it was coming a bit more easily than you expected, and how did you handle not succumbing to that ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Oh, for sure if I was gonna win, I didn't think that I'd be able to do it in 62, 63, that's for sure. After that first set I kind of sat down and I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest, and I thought, Okay, I'm a set up now; I've got a chance to win one out of the next two and I've got a chance. Q. 若你能分享你的看法,你覺得此次勝利,來得比預期輕鬆嗎 ? 怎麼讓自己不輕易 屈服 ? A. 那是當然的,前提是劇本上是寫著我會贏,不過我不覺得自己能以6-2 6-3 的比數 獲得勝利,拿下第一盤後,我坐在椅子上,能聽到我的心怦怦跳動,彷彿要從胸口 跳出來,然後我告訴我自己,沒問題,現在已經一盤在手,我有機會贏得接下來兩 盤的其中一盤。 Q. Those thoughts were running through your mind ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, on the change of ends. Q. 那些想法迅速地掠過你的心頭 ? A. 對,在換邊的時候。 Q. Just like a club player, thinking ahead ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Things come into your mind. You can't control what comes into your mind. But I guess you can control what you do with those thoughts. Yeah, I just tried to keep playing each game, each point, and stick to my game plan, stick to my guns, and not leave anything to chance. Fortunately I was able to do that from start to finish. Q. 就像一個運動員,渴望取得優勢 ? A. 那時會想到很多事,你無法制止它們出現,但我想你能做到與它們並存,於是, 我試著繼續打我的比賽、爭取每一分,跟著我的場上策略走,適時發動攻擊,而 不光是等待機會,所幸我能一直堅持到比賽結束。 Q. When can you remember playing as complete a match and as good a match as you played today ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Um, I don't know. It's obviously hard to compare today to any other match. I've played matches where I feel like I played lights out, can't miss a ball, and, you know, it's fantastic, but to do it under these circumstances in this kind of final against a player like Serena, for sure I'm gonna think it's one of the best days of my career, of my life of playing. So I think I've played, like I said, matches where I played extremely well, but under these circumstances it's something different. Q. 你能回想起還有哪場比賽,是妳確實完成它,而且打得就像今天一樣出色 ? A. 嗯....,我不曉得,很難把今天這場與其他比賽做比較,有經歷過幾場打得很順 手的比賽,幾乎不放過每一球,那是很神奇的,不過,在決賽裡做到一樣的水準 ,而對手又是小威,我覺得這是我網球生涯中美好的一天,我有過幾場超水準演 出,但在決賽這種場合發生,感覺還是不太一樣的。 Q. What aspects of the match do you think were decisive, technically speaking ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Tactically? Q. 以專業角度來說,你認為這場比賽的關鍵在於 ? A. 戰術方面嗎 ? Q. Technically, tactically. SAMANTHA STOSUR: Well, I think me being able to go after her second set serve, obviously she's got a huge first serve. If she had not quite on, you get slight chances there on her second. Today I was able to step in and hit my favorite shot nearly off every single one and really put her under pressure every time she missed a first serve. I think that was big. Maybe that made her feel a little more pressure to start making more first serves and it's a little more difficult. And on serve I felt like my percentages were good. I hit the right spots at the right time and tried to vary it as much as I could. Probably felt like she didn't get a clean hit on a lot of my balls. As soon as I got opportunities to go for winners or set myself up, I did it. I guess you can always go into a match having your tactics, but you've got to execute them. Today I was able to do it very well. Q. 技術與戰術方面 。 A. 嗯,我覺得面對她的二發,我處理的不錯,大家都知道她一發速度很快,要是剛好 她的一發狀態下降,你能在二發得到點機會。今天我能進一步,在每記二發中達到 我想要的回球效果,因此當她一發發不進,就會造成她極大的壓力。這是很關鍵的 一點。可能讓她感到壓力,因此接下來,當她開始進行第一發球,也會顯得更難一 點。 而今天我的發球表現很好,掌握了擊球點及時間點,也試著盡可能變換發球節奏, 她沒能成功攻擊我的發球太多次,只要我有機會掌握致勝球或準備得分,我就會做 到。你總有些戰術想法才上場比賽,但是你一定要執行它,我今天做得非常好。 Q. Your favorite shot being the inside out forehand. SAMANTHA STOSUR: Forehand, yeah, (Laughter.) Q. 你最喜歡打正拍致勝球了 ~ A. 沒錯,就是正拍。(大笑) Q. With the unusual way that started the second set, first game of the second set ended and Serena arguing about it, was it tough to stay focused during that? Did you lapse a little at all there ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Um, I don't know. For sure it was difficult to stay focused, and then obviously the crowd got heavily involved. You know, it was probably the loudest I ever felt a crowd in my whole entire life. You're right in the middle of it. It was definitely a quite overwhelming feeling. But once I hit that next ball in the court and started playing again, I felt settled. I guess it definitely could have been the big pivotal point in the match. Q. 第二盤開始時有點不一樣,第一局結束後,小威和主審爭論,那會影響妳的 集中力嗎 ? 然後導致稍微狀態下滑 ? A. 嗯....,不曉得耶,不過一定會比較難專心,然後觀眾們的聲音此起彼落,這大概 是我這一生中,聽過觀眾最吵的一次,而你又剛好夾在中間,你無法與它對抗,但 是當我把下顆球回到場內,又開始進行比賽,我的心便穩定下來。我想那是蠻關鍵 的一分。 Q. You're a real tour professional and a veteran, yet people still talk about Serena and a certain presence or ferocity, intimidation even in some cases. Just talk about her presence and how she's different from other players. SAMANTHA STOSUR: Oh, well, she's I think probably the best player of at least my generation of playing. I mean, not only is she big in stature and all that, she's got a huge game and obviously has won so many titles. That presence definitely comes out on the court. I think for sure the first time you play someone like her it's definitely intimidating. She can clean people off the court. So I think having played her in the past, and like I said before having victories against her, you slowly start to get used to that and kind of becomes more relevant and becomes a bit of the task at hand on that day playing the match. Any player like her has got that kind of X factor out there. Q. 妳是一位真正的好手,身經百戰,但人們仍談論著事件中,小威的存在感、兇猛, 以及威嚇度,就拿她的存在感來說,她跟其他球員有多麼不同 ? A. 噢,好吧,我覺得她可能是我這世代最好的球員,不光是她的聲威而已,她能打出 超水準的網球,戰績顯赫,那絕對也展現在球場上。第一次和她交手絕對會有點害 怕,她常將對手橫掃出局,所以我過去和她交手,就像我剛說的,在未取得首勝之 前,你慢慢地開始去習慣,那會變得越來越有意義,在過往交手的歲月,心中也有 了底。每個選手都像她一樣,在場上總有些未知因素。 Q. You said after beating Petrova in Round 3 that you were so proud because you hadn't been known for your competitiveness on the court. Do you feel like you dispelled the doubt today ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: I don't know. Maybe both, I guess. To be able to get through that match but then to continue it on for another four matches, I think I've kind of surprised myself with how much I have been able to mentally stay focused on court and bounce back from the adversity from matches. So I think for me to be able to do that continuous days is something you always want to do, but now to actually do it here is really, really pleasing. Q. 當你在第三輪打敗派娃,你感到很自豪,說妳一直不知道,自己在場上具有 那種競爭力,那今天這場勝利,驅除了妳的疑慮了嗎 ? A. 我不知道,可能兩場都有,能從派娃手中死裡逃生,繼續另外四場比賽,我對自己 在場上的專注度感到驚訝,還有從賽場上的逆境中起死回生,所以總是想能持續那 樣的狀態,但此時此刻,能在這裡做到,非常令人開心。 Q. Do you think this will dictate now, what you did today, how you'll play from now on ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: I hope it does. I'd like to be able to continue this. I guess time will tell. (Smiling). For sure it will just reinstate that belief and confidence in myself. Hopefully this is the first day of a, you know, new beginning for me, I guess, as a player. Q. 你認為今天的表現,會決定你以後打球的態度嗎 ? A. 希望如此,我很樂意繼續這樣下去,就讓時間來證明 (笑),不過一定得先鞏固自我 的信念和信心。身為一位網球選手,希望這是我全新開始的第一天。 Q. How was that for you, winning your first slam and also breaking Australia's drought like that ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Unbelievable. Yeah, I didn't start playing to break records or anything like that. My goal and dream since I started I've said it before, was to win a Grand Slam. Now to actually do it, it's unbelievable. Being in Australian with that great history and now to break that drought is obviously very special. Q. 對你而言,贏得首座大滿貫,同時也拯救澳洲女網界的冠軍荒,你覺得如何 ? A. 不可思議。我從沒想過去打破紀錄之類的東西,我的目標和夢想,從我開始打網球, 就是渴望贏得大滿貫冠軍。現在我真的做到了,多麼不可思議,和澳洲網球過往的那 些輝煌歷史共存,現在又解救了冠軍荒,真的非常特別。 Q. There was a time when your results in doubles were so good you virtually were a doubles player, and then you rededicated yourself when came back. Do you think this was a possibility, or you just wanted to see what you could do? Talk about that decision and how it's obviously come to fruition. SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, I think the whole time I've been playing I wanted to be a good singles player and get the most out of myself on the singles court. I had that great success in doubles and that was fantastic, but, yeah, once I got sick and got over that illness, then I didn't want to leave anything to chance. Obviously now it was definitely the right decision to try and follow those dreams and those footsteps. You know, I don't know. It's something that I've worked very hard for, obviously, and now to actually get that huge reward is very pleasing. So it's kinda it's great. I mean, to win the doubles here in '05 and now do this is great, and maybe it's kind of funny that Lisa also won the doubles today, so it's kind of cool. Q. 有段時間你的雙打成績非常傑出,幾乎是位專打雙打的球員,然後,當你 大病痊癒回到場上,卻重新加入單打行列,這是本來就存在的可能性,還 是妳只想看看在單打領域還能做些什麼 ? 談談你做這決定的過程吧。 A. 好啊,說實話,我一直都想當個優秀的單打選手,在單打球場上有番作為,我在 雙打領域取得耀眼的戰績,那非常美好,但是,當我大病初癒後,我不想只是等 待生命中的機會。現在看來,這顯然是正確的決定,去嘗試、去追逐夢想,跟隨 那些腳步前進。我必須很努力,現在終於獲得回報,是很令人開心的。 能在05年贏得美網雙打冠軍,而現在又獲得單打冠軍,這真的很棒,很妙的是我 當時的雙打搭檔Lisa,今天也榮獲雙打冠軍,所以,這還蠻酷的。 Q. You were out of the game so long with that illness. Did you ever give up on that dream ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: No, never. I always tried to believe that it would be possible to come back from that, and I was very lucky that I did recover very quickly and get back on the court and do what I wanted to do. So if anything, it kind of made me open my eyes more that you don't necessarily always get a second chance. I wanted to take every opportunity I had, and I have now been able to fulfill that. Q. 你因病離開場上有好一段時間,中間曾想過要放棄夢想嗎 ? A. 不,從來沒有,我總是相信有天能重回賽場,而我非常幸運,復原的速度很快, 然後回到場上做我想做的事,這段經歷影響了我,它告訴我人生不會總是有第二 次機會。我想把握現有的每個機會,現在我終於能實現夢想了。 Q. Congratulations. Yesterday you talked about 10 years ago at this time you were in Japan playing like 10,000 tournaments. At that time, were you expecting to win the slams some day or like in 10 years ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: No, because 10 years seems like such a long time ago. But it's actually gone very quickly. Yeah, I think at that point, like I said, it was always a big dream and a big goal of mine. But starting at 10,000s, you're very, very far away from ever doing that. I guess it's all those little steps you have to take, you know, from that point up until now. And as you take those steps and you get a little bit closer, then it will kind of seems like maybe it's possible. Q. 恭喜你,昨天你談到10年前的此時,妳在日本打[10000]等級的挑戰賽,那時你 會期待自己有天贏得大滿貫嗎 ? 在十年內。 A. 沒有,因為十年前,距離現在非常遙遠了,不過感覺時間過得很快。不過它是我一 個偉大的夢想和目標。但從[10000] 等級挑戰賽開始打起,那個當下,你離大滿貫 冠軍是非常、非常遙遠的。必須跟隨這些小步驟,你會慢慢地更靠近目標,於是, 漸漸地這一切都顯得有可能了。 Q. This victory puts you in a different dimension. Expectations will be higher, especially in Australia. How do you think you will handle the pressure approaching the Australian Open, because you will be the first Australian after Margaret Court winning back to back the Australian Open and US Open titles 40 years ago. SAMANTHA STOSUR: Well, if I'm able to do that, that's great. (Laughter.) Obviously it's very different being at home now and playing at the Australian Open. I've definitely had different pressures playing there in the past and from my success overseas. But I know it's going to be different, and hopefully I can handle it and learn from everything I've gone through over the past years to be able to handle it as best I can. But I guess we'll see how I handle it when the time comes. But if I can play like I did today, then hopefully it's all going to be okay. Q. 這次勝利將妳推向一個不同的格局。對你的期待必然升高,尤其是在澳洲。 當妳要征戰澳網時,霎時該怎麼處理那些壓力,因為妳想成為繼Margaret Court 後40年,另一位連續贏得澳網和美網的澳洲女選手。 A. 當然,要是我有能力做到的話的確很棒。(大笑) 現在回到家鄉、去征戰澳網, 感覺都非常不同了,奪冠後要承受的壓力也不同於以往。事情正在改變,希望我能 應付好那些壓力,利用我過去幾年習得的經驗,盡可能地做好。不過,還是要看到 時候我的表現如何。但要是我能打得像今天一樣好,就有希望。 Q. I know a lot has been made of your mental strength coming through. I know you've been working diligently on the backhand and then coming to net. Look like finally at this tournament those two things held up very well. Talk about that, the backhand and the volley. You've always had the serve and forehand, but the backhand held up pretty well. In the tournament you seemed a lot more confident at the net, too. SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, I guess you've always gotta work on all parts of your game. I think you always want to work on your strengths and focus on those and build your game around that, but you can't have glaringly obvious weaknesses, either. I think I have put a lot of time into working on my backhand, feeling calmer on it, and making sure that technique on that shot is just as good, hopefully, as the rest of my game. I guess for it to hold up under pressure here at this tournament, obviously it's proved that all that hard work and doing it and the hours and the practice court, hating it and wanting to do something else, is all worth it. So I guess it's all part of just becoming a more complete player. I guess to be the best and to do some of that, you have to almost have everything. Fortunately for me, I was able to do that today and throughout the two weeks. Q. 我了解勝利的部分原因,包括妳心理素質的提升,努力加強反拍和上網技巧, 終於在這個賽事裡,把這兩點發揮地淋漓盡致,談到反拍與截擊,妳的發球和 正拍攻擊老是奏效,但反拍也能和對手形成僵持。似乎對上網攻擊也很有自信。 A. 沒錯,我想,還是要努力加強場上的所有技巧,雖然只想加強力量,依賴它成為 比賽的主要火力,但弱點還是明擺著,你不能忽略它,我已經花了好多時間在加 強反拍,現在比較穩定了,並確保這項技術有出色的發揮,像今天的比賽一樣。 而在承受大比賽壓力的情況下,今天反拍的發揮,不枉費我的努力,花費數小時 在練習球場上,即使心裡再怎麼討厭,一度想跑去做別的事。到頭來都還是值得了。 所以大方向就是朝成為一個全方位的球員邁進。要成為最優秀的,就必須擁有全部的 技術。幸好我能在今天、還有這整整兩個星期,做到這點。 Q. You talked about going back, watching some of this match on TV where she was playing Wozniacki and she was totally intimidating. Did you watch it, and were you a bit daunted by it ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: To be honest, I didn't really see any of the match last night. I was doing my own cooldown stuff and getting back to the hotel, so I didn't really watch any of that. I obviously knew she was in good form during this event and leading into the event. I played her in the final at Toronto, and, you know, even if she hadn't played a tournament before the Grand Slam, you can never count her out. So I tried. I obviously knew she was playing well, but at the end of the day I just tried to focus on my game and take what I could to the court and hope that it was enough. Q. 比賽前妳說會先看看小威和瓦妹的比賽,小威壓倒性勝利。妳後來有看嗎 ? 會不會覺得有點怕怕的 ? A. 老實說,昨晚我沒真的看那場比賽,我做了減輕肌肉疼痛的步驟,然後回飯店, 所以我沒看。不過我知道她狀態很好,我們在多倫多決賽有交手過,你知道的, 就算在參加大滿貫賽前,她沒去打任何一個賽事,還是不能輕忽她的實力,所以 在決賽前,我知道她打得很好,但我只想在這最後一天,集中精神在我的球賽上 ,盡可能地在球場上發揮實力,希望我今天有做到位。 Q. Serena had quite a domineering run to the final; for you, there was a lot of scratching, a lot of clawing, a lot of fighting to get there. As a result, you know, a lot of people picked her to win. In a way, those hard battles you had to go through, do you think that in a way you drew confidence from the fact that you've been able to have your back against the wall the way you have and fought and scratches and so forth. A, did that give you confidence? And B, if you can just kind of reflect back on not only today's match, but also on the tournament and what you've learned about yourself. SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, I think it's probably pretty rare that a player can go through and win a slam, and, you know, not have to fight through any adversity or, you know, being down in matches. So I think getting through that third round just proves to myself that you could never, you know, give up, and, being a break down in that third set, that all of a sudden turns into winning the tournament. So it proves that if you hang in there hard enough and stay out on the court long enough you can turn things around. So I think -- my coaches told me in the past to try and win one of these you might play a couple of really great matches, one really terrible, and maybe a couple in between. As long as you get through those and give yourself another chance to be on the court, I guess that's really all that matters. I guess going through that third round especially really proved that if you get through one, you always give yourself another opportunity. Q. 小威幾乎是毫無阻礙地闖入決賽,但對你來說,是經過一連串跌跌撞撞、大混戰 後出線,光看比分,一堆人都覺得她會拿冠軍。妳認為前幾輪迫使妳得背水一戰 的比賽,有讓妳從奮戰過程中獲得自信心,才向前進嗎? 另一個問題,不只是今 天的決賽,還有其他比賽讓你更了解自己嗎 ? A. 對啊,對一個贏得大滿貫冠軍的選手來說,我的晉級成績算是相當少見,經過混 戰與克服逆境後出線,並不是奪冠的必要因素。所以,我認為我闖過第三輪,剛 好證明了妳絕不能放棄,因為我在第三盤先被破發,而轉眼間,我現在獲得了美 網冠軍,所以,不管怎樣一定要撐住,待在場上夠久,就有逆轉的機會。 我的教練以前告訴過我,妳要試著經由幾種不同的比賽內容下獲勝,一種是打得 不好卻後來險勝,然後再贏得幾場剛剛好的。妳得經歷過那些,給自己另一個留 在場上的機會,這還蠻重要的,我想闖過第三輪恰巧說明了這點。 Q. Were you thinking about that going into today's match? I mean, you know, up against such a formidable opponent, is that something that you were drawing upon ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: I guess I was I felt like I believed I had a chance, but I knew that I had to play well to try and win. During those long matches and fighting through it and playing well in the previous rounds is for sure a good way to enter into a final no matter who your opponent is, but at the end of the day they don't really matter for today's match. You've still got to go out there and produce good tennis. Q. 這場決賽要面對可怕的對手,事前妳有心理準備嗎 ? A. 我想,我相信自己是有機會的,但我明白必須打得很好,試著贏得比賽,不管我的 決賽對手是誰,前幾輪那些冗長的比賽、要打很好才能獲勝的對手,都是晉級決賽 不錯的過程,不過決賽的內容,就與前幾輪對手無關了,妳還是得走到場上,有出 色的發揮才行。 Q. Shortly after the match Serena came over and sat down next to you in the chair. Were you surprised she did that? Looked like you were having a friendly chat. What were you talking about ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: All of a sudden, yeah, turned around and she was right next to me, which is kind of unusual. No, she was great, actually. She just said, How do you feel? Are you really excited? It's unbelievable. I played really well. Yeah, I was really surprised to, you know, see her sitting next to me at that moment in time. I guess it, you know, shows what a nice person she is and what a true champion she is of the sport. To be able to separate the result a few minutes later and be able to come over and congratulate your opponent I thought was pretty classy. Q. 決賽結束後不久,小威馬上跑來坐在妳旁邊的椅子上,那時妳覺得驚訝嗎 ? 感覺妳們好像很友善地聊著,在講些什麼呢 ? A. 對啊,突然間,我回過身就發現她在我旁邊了,這還蠻少見的。不過她很好, 只是問我感覺如何、興奮嗎、說這很不可思議、說我打得很好。我真的感到很 驚訝,看她馬上坐到我旁邊。我猜這表示她是個多麼好的人,在這項運動中一 位真正的冠軍。她可以馬上忘卻幾分鐘前的比分,前來向她的對手道賀,那是 很有水準的表現。 Q. Was it difficult for you to accept the fact that you hadn't won more than two tournaments until today, even if you're such a good player you had beaten most of them or maybe all of them ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah. Obviously I would have liked to have won more titles throughout my career. Been in quite a few finals and wasn't able to get through that last hurdle. I actually didn't even think about any finals, records I have had, or anything like that for today. It didn't matter to me if I hadn't ever won a title before today. I've got this one now, so that makes me proud. Q. 妳會很難接受在今天之前,妳只有兩個WTA冠軍的事實嗎 ? 即使妳是一位這麼棒的 球員,打敗過很多甚至全部優秀的選手。 A. 我想是的,我也想在職涯多拿幾座冠軍。我闖進過一些決賽,卻不能跨越最後的 障礙。事實上今天我無法回想起那些決賽和記錄,過去贏或不贏,對我來說,已 經不重要了,如今我拿到美網冠軍,這就足以讓我感到驕傲了。 Q. Can you tell us who's with you and what reaction you've had from back home ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: I haven't read any of my messages. I can actually feel my phone buzzing in my pocket right now. I've got a great team around me, and they're there through the thick and thin of my career. Every day they want to make me a better player or support me, or whatever it is their role is. I guess this is huge reward for me, but also for those guys, because I wouldn't be able to do it without them. Q. 可以告訴我們,妳得知的那些來自家鄉的回應嗎 ? A. 我還沒看閱讀任何訊息。但我能感覺我口袋裡的手機多次發出震動,我身邊有很棒 的團隊,陪我走過生涯的高低潮。每天都支持著我,想讓我成為更好的球員,無論 他們扮演什麼樣的角色,這個美網冠軍是屬於我的,但同時也屬於他們的,沒有他 們我是做不到的。 Q. The Australian tradition obviously is a great story. I'd like you to talk about in terms of respect, the code of conduct, is that important in today's game, or is it more of just a matter of winning at whatever costs, getting the Ws and prevailing ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Being an Australian or... Q. 澳洲傳統是個很棒的故事,我想要妳談談它值得尊敬的部分,那些固定的行為 準則,對今天的比賽重要嗎 ? 還是為了獲勝的小迷信,它很流行嗎 ? A. 你說在澳洲還是....? Q. As part of the Australian tradition, what are your thoughts on that ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Oh, I think we grow up in Australia whether you're playing tennis or not, respectful and friendly, and, you know, nice people. But playing tennis I think sometimes maybe nowadays it kinda gets lost. I think, you know, you've got to go out there and play between the lines and play a good match. You know, fair is fair, and you can walk off the court knowing I did a good job. That's it, really. So, you know, you try your best and try your hardest. That's the way I was always taught to play and go out there and have respect for every single opponent you play. Q. 對澳洲傳統的一部分來說,妳怎麼想的 ? A. 噢,我想我們在澳洲長大,不管你是不是打網球的,尊重、友善、當個好人,都 是很重要的,不過現今的網球比賽會讓人漸漸迷失,你必須走到場上,遵守規則 ,同時也打出好比賽。對的就是對的,你可以在離場後想著自己今天做得很好, 就是這樣而已,盡我所能的努力、做到最好,我是這樣被教導長大的,走上球場 ,並尊重每一個站在你面前的對手。 Q. You had a tough first three months of the year through March, through Miami. The results weren't really there. Was there one key moment in April or May when you kind of flipped a switch, got confident again, and said, Yeah, my game is back again ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, I think going through Indian Wells/Miami were definitely two tough tournaments for me. Then Charleston was even tougher than those. That was probably the major turning point for this year after losing there. Had lots of hours of talking and discussions and what to do now and how do I change kind of the path that I was going down. Fortunately that downward spiral didn't last too long, and from Stuttgart I felt like I was playing much better again and found some form and confidence again. Even to now I still had a few ups and downs, but the last month has been pretty much only an up. I maybe have to have those, you know, disappointing moments to come back stronger and to get a reward like this. Q. 今年直到三月的邁阿密賽,妳一直打得不理想,在四月及五月是否有個契機, 像開啟開關一樣,讓妳重獲信心,在心裡吶喊著,我回來啦! A. 嗯嗯,我在印地安泉和邁阿密賽打得很辛苦,查爾斯頓賽更慘,這站比較像今年 成績的轉淚點,在那之後,花了很多時間去討論現在該做些什麼,來防止我成績 持續下滑。所幸低潮沒持續太久,到了斯圖加特,我又覺得自己狀態回來了,也 找回自信心。儘管仍起伏不定,但上個月的比賽我表現的不錯,或許,就是一定 要衰一陣子,變得更堅強回到場上後,才能像今天一樣得到回報。 Q. Reflect on the sacrifices you've had to make personally and your family had to make, especially during those teenage years maybe when you're sleeping on couches, that every professional athlete has to do along the way. SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, my story is probably no different to many others, but when I was younger, no doubt my family gave up a lot. My parents especially and my younger brothers probably and my older brother probably got dragged through the tennis clubs more often than not when they didn't necessarily want to. But I'm lucky that I had a really supportive family. They saw that I had this dream and drive and determination to be a tennis player, and, you know, obviously none of us knew if that was ever gonna pay off. Lucky for me, I had that support behind me. Playing all those small tournaments and, like you said, I've slept in train stations and stayed in dodgy hotels and done the hard yards through many places, and it awful pays off in the end. I'd do it all over again if I had to. Q. 關於妳自己和家人為網球做的犧牲,尤其是青少年時期,當妳睡在長椅上, 幾乎每個運動員都做過一樣的事。 A. 是的,我的故事和很多選手沒什麼不同,但當我年紀還小,我的家庭就為我放棄 很多。我的父母和弟弟、還有哥哥,他們其實沒有必要常往網球俱樂部跑,但我 很幸運,擁有一個很支持我的家庭,他們看到我的夢想是成為一個網球選手,而 當時我們沒有人知道,這些努力會不會有回報的一天。 很幸運有他們在背後支持我,打所有的小型賽事,像你說的,我還曾在火車站過 夜,睡爛旅館,去過無數地方,歷經千辛萬苦,但要是得再來一次,我也願意。 Q. I'd like to go back to the second set. Did you understand what was going on ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Well, obviously it was, like I said before, it was all happening pretty quick and I was just focused on the game and what I had to be doing and trying to keep executing my game plan and all that. Obviously it was quite a long discussion at the net with Serena and the umpire. The call was made, and then I just tried to play the next point. Q. 話題回到第二盤。妳那時了解當下發生了什麼事嗎 ? A. 嗯,像我剛說的,它發生得太快太突然,我那時只專注打球,還有執行場上戰術, 很明顯,小威和主審在網前討論很久,接著確定判決,然後我只想著下一分要怎麼 打。 Q. It seemed like the umpire would have brought in Rule 26 regardless, the harassment rule. SAMANTHA STOSUR: I guess that's why we have an umpire to make calls. It was her judgment in the end. Q. 主審似乎引用了第26條干擾規則。 A. 我想那是主審存在的意義。最終她是那樣判的。 註- 網球規則 26. HINDRANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If a player is hindered in playing the point by a deliberate act of the opponent(s), the player shall win the point. However, the point shall be replayed if a player is hindered in playing the point by either an unintentional act of the opponent(s), or something outside the player’s own control (not including a permanent fixture). ITF: http://tinyurl.com/3bu3lof ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Did you know it was... SAMANTHA STOSUR: I knew there was a rule in place. Q. 妳之前曉得這條規則.... A. 我知道這條規定在哪找的到。 Q. You spoke about the importance of your team, and you also spoke about watching Pat Rafter's win and jumping into the stands when you were a teenager. Describe today blow by blow as you go up to the box and celebrate with that team. SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, I obviously wanted to get over there and be with those guys, and I didn't actually think I was gonna get up there. It was a fair way up, and I think someone gave me a boost up there and then it maybe all looked a little bit awkward. But it was all good once I got up there. To be able to celebrate that moment with everyone who's been supporting me through these two weeks and throughout a lot of my careers was a fantastic feeling. Q. 妳剛剛談到妳團隊的重要,也談到妳在青少年時期,目睹Rafter獲勝後跳進看台, 形容下今天妳也拼命爬到看台上,和團隊慶祝的感覺吧。 A. 當然,我超想克服一切,和他們待再一起,那時我不真的認為我能上得去,那真的 很高,不過我想有人幫我增加高度,讓我能構到那裏,不過那有點小尷尬,但能上 去和他們在一塊兒的感覺真好,經歷這兩週和許多我生涯的點點滴滴,可以和一直 以來支持我的所有人慶祝這一刻,是很美妙的感覺。 Q. I think the start of the year you were working with Ruth Anderson on the psychological. SAMANTHA STOSUR: Uh huh. Q. 今年開始,你跟一個叫Ruth Anderson的人,加強心理素質。 A. 嗯哼。 Q. Has that been ongoing all year? How has that been ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, we touch base I guess sometimes regularly, sometimes not so much. I think I've worked with her for nearly two years now and have certainly learned a lot about myself as a player and off the court as a person. I think, you know, all that time it's not always nice conversations that you have deal with it and talk about, but at the end of the day it's all for a reason. You know, I think she's been able to open my mind up to a lot of different things, and probably just make me realize certain things in myself. It's just working it out. Yeah, obviously very glad that I've started that relationship with Ruth to work on those aspects of my tennis. Q. 是整年都如此嗎 ? 那是怎麼進行的 ? A. 我們有時會固定聯絡,有時不太頻繁,目前我和她已經合作將近兩年,學到很多 關於我自己,做為一個網球選手,和離開球場後私下的我,其實對話過程不總是 那麼盡如人意,但最終那一切過程都是有它的道理在,很多事情,她幫助我開了 眼界,讓我察覺自己內心的事物,還蠻成功的,很開心能和Ruth合作。 Q. Was there one kind of hard truth that came out of all that that you had to confront and get over ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Well, there's been I guess lots of different things, but probably that moment after Charleston playing we spoke a lot, and that was probably one of the more difficult times that I went through. So, yeah, I'm sure there was times where I didn't want to talk about anything and just forget about it and try and shove it under the carpet. But I guess I didn't. Guess it's all worth it. Q. 經由這過程,你必須和某種艱難的事實對決,並克服它嗎 ? A. 嗯,其實過程中有很多不同的事,但在查爾斯頓賽後我們談了很多,那是特別艱難 的一段時期,很確定的是,有段時間我不想講任何事情,想淡忘它、隨便塞到地毯 下面,但後來我沒有,我想這一切是值得的。 Q. What was your take away from all those tough conversations after Charleston? What emerged ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: I mean, there was obviously lots, but at the end of the day I had to believe that I was gonna feel like I could play my best tennis again, and I think to realize that it's not all gone. It is there. You've just got to get over that mental hurdle and those battles in your own head during matches that things aren't going so well. It takes time. It's probably all things I already knew, but for someone to talk about it maybe in a different way, say it in a different way, makes you realize things. I think that's probably the main moment, I guess, that I can draw back on from to try and pick me up from that spot. Q. 在查爾斯頓賽後那些困難的對話稍減,這意味著什麼 ? A. 我想,有很多,但最終我必須相信,我感覺自己又能打出好的球賽,並了解那些 低潮都過去了。一定要克服心理障礙,在賽場逆境中,與自己腦海中的想法戰鬥 ,那會花點時間,其實我自己都知道。但經由他人口中用不同方式說出來,會讓 妳更了解是怎麼回事。這可能是解救我的關鍵時刻。 Q. Which train stations did you sleep ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Fukuoka in Japan. If there was a safe train station, it was that one. Q. 妳睡過哪個火車站 ? A. 日本的福岡。要是有所謂安全的火車站,就是它了。 Q. How many nights ? SAMANTHA STOSUR: Just one. I wasn't trying to make a habit of it. Q. 度過幾個晚上 ? A. 一個晚上而已,我可沒想要養成睡火車站的習慣。 - THE END - -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: singlecolor 來自: (09/15 13:40)

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09/15 16:28, 1F

09/16 14:53, , 2F
Sam!! 感謝翻譯 竟然又有爭議球....好倒楣啊
09/16 14:53, 2F

09/16 15:04, , 3F
09/16 15:04, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1ESGXDru (AUS_Tennis)