[ASES]創業知識+ !先睹為快!置底

看板ASES-Taiwan作者 (亞瑟士)時間12年前 (2011/08/30 19:50), 編輯推噓4(400)
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是不是常常想找創業知識資訊卻毫無頭緒呢? 想不用花錢買雜誌就可以得到許多創業密訣呢? 想知道創投創業家腦到在想什麼呢? 現在ASES為您提供現今熱門的網路創投、創業網站資訊。從國內到國外,有名創投到現 今最大資訊收集部落格,每天定期更新、發佈新文章。除了可以得到最新最前衛的創業資 訊、創投價值觀,也使大家有幾個吸收創業知識的好去處呢!以下大家就定期瀏覽,看看 各個不同的創業知識和觀點吧! ☆創投觀點☆ ◎Mr.jamie看網路與創投 http://mrjamie.cc/ ﹡網路創投金童appWorks Ventures創辦人Mr.Jamie!從熱門創投看網路創業與價值觀! §About The Author§ Jamie本名林之晨,是台大化工系畢業的工程學士,輔修經濟(台大學長!!!)。接著 進修紐約大學史騰商學院(NYU Stern School of Business)企管碩士(MBA),主修財務、 經濟與創業。現為appWorks之初創投共同創辦人。 從大三開始至appWorks之前,Jamie曾多次創業,從電腦零售網站Hotcool.com、中文知 識管理領導品牌「碩網資訊」,到北美著名旅遊社群Sosauce.com和遊戲網站Musegames.c om。他也曾參與許多網站的發起、策略、規劃等工作,像是:Frenzoo, WhoWhatWhy等等 。除此之外,Jamie也曾先後服務於 HSS Ventures以及All Asia Partners等創投基金。 他經手的第一個增資案,就是後來成功掛牌上市的富喬工業。這些經歷使他擁有獨特的眼 光來看網路創業以及創投,甚至是創業的價值觀。 §About The Blog§ 一個寫給所有網路人和創業人的網誌,存在的目的是激發思考辯證。這個部落格寫了很 多他對創業的價值觀,很值得大家來欣賞他的文章! ◎Both Sides of the Table http://www.bothsidesofthetable.com ﹡外國創投網誌,Mark Suster獨特的經歷使他對於科技產業也有獨特的見解,歡迎大 家一同瀏覽! §About The Author§ Mark Suster is a 2x entrepreneur who has gone to the Dark Side of VC. He joined GRP Partners in 2007 as a General Partner after selling his company to Salesforce.com. He focuses on early-stage technology companies. §To Himself§ I joined Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) in Los Angeles to build computer systems for large corporations after graduating from high school. I focused mostly on computer networking but had stints with programming, database design and then system modeling and testing. In 1994 when most of my friends were leaving system integration to start companies in Silicon Valley I chose a dif- ferent path. I transferred within Accenture to their technology center of exc- ellence in Sophia Antipolis, France and lived in Antibes and then Cannes. I started my first company in 1999 and was headquartered in London. We were a SaaS platform for large-scale engineering & construction projects including the London Underground, Thames Water, BNP Paribas and all of the top German construction firms. We had offices in 7 countries and I personally traveled to India to help establish our “captive” development center in Pune. I left this company in 2005 and sold it to a publicly traded French services company. I moved home in 2005 and founded my second company, Koral, in San Mateo (I lived in Palo Alto). We sold this company to Salesforce.com where I became VP Product Management. This company now forms what is known as Salesforce Content. I joined GRP Partners in 2007 as a General Partner. I focus on early-stage technology companies – usually looking at Series A or seed investments. ☆網路趨勢☆ ◎Inside http://www.inside.com.tw/ ﹡Inside分享許多不同的主題,從蘋果賈伯斯、社群網站等網路訊息到財經新聞評論, 甚至也有求才資訊,是一個五花八門的網站喔! §About The Website§ 社群媒體、行動網路、網路行銷、技術與創業 Inside成立於2009年11月底,係由一群熱愛網路的人所成立的共筆部落格。 我們閱讀、觀察、思考並分享。針對新媒體的過去、現在與未來,分享新知、討論個案 、研討技術。 以下是我們主要重視的項目,竭誠歡迎您跟我們一起關心、討論與分享。 ‧ 社群媒體(social media) ‧ 行動網路(mobile internet) 開發/行銷 ‧ 大陸、日本、韓國與美國網路發展 ‧ 電子閱讀器、數位內容 ‧ 創新網站服務 ‧ 網路創業探討 ◎TechOrange科技報橘 http://techorange.com/ ﹡早餐咖啡配短文,十分鐘了解最新科技資訊!學習知識輕鬆無負擔! ★TechOrange makes it happen!★ §About The Website§ TechOrange,專門追蹤全球網路產業的科技網誌。提供網路創業者、行銷人員、媒體人 員關於網路的資訊與知識是我們的任務。文章輕薄短小,吸收科技新知沒負擔,每天大概 花吃顆橘子的時間來瀏覽就夠了。每天出門前瀏覽一篇,為全新一天注入知識能量! ◎TechCrunch http://techcrunch.com/ ﹡TechCrunch收集獨家科技新聞、介紹網路產品、分析趨勢,全方位知識分享給大家, 外國網路科技最新消息一手掌握! §About The Website§ TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news. Founded in June 2005, TechCrunch and its network of websites now reach over 12 million unique visitors and draw more than 37 million page views per month. The TechCrunch community includes more than 2 million friends and followers on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google and other social media. CrunchBase, TechCrunch's open database about start-up companies, people and investors, has become the leading statistical resource for technology compani- es and transactions. The company hosts major conferences and events, including the Disrupt series,The Crunchies Awards, and various meet-ups worldwide serving as commun- ity platforms for industry conversation and collaboration. ◎Mashable http://mashable.com/ ﹡全世界最大獨立新聞來源,激發全世界的創新能量!瀏覽新聞同時挖掘自己潛在的創 業潛能吧! §About The Website§ Mashable is the largest independent news source dedicated to covering digit- al culture, social media and technology. Mashable reports on the importance of digital innovation and how it empowers and inspires people around the world. Mashable’s 13 million monthly unique visitors and 4 million social media followers have become one of the most engaged online news communities. Numerous studies and leading publications have declared Mashable the most influential online news outlet and a must-read site. Mashable also syndicates its content to top publications including ABC News, CNN, Forbes, Metro, USA Today and Yahoo! News, amplifying its reach to many millions of additional readers each month. Pete Cashmore founded Mashable in 2005 in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. His pass- ion for sharing how web tools and social networks were transforming human interactions and reshaping cultures drove him to create what would become Mashable. Mashable is headquartered in New York City, with an office in San Francisco. Mashable's growing team can also be found across the United States, United Kingdom and in Eastern Europe. ◎Mr.6–趨勢.創業.網路.生活! http://mr6.cc/ ﹡Mr.6與他的工作團隊為大家持續更新網路最新趨勢,也分享許多創業的價值觀與感想 !持續的全新文章使我們能夠和網路一樣天天Update!!! §About The Website§ Mr.6團隊成立於台北市,一開始只是幾位有緣份的年輕人,在咖啡廳裡一起工作。 2006年以來,Mr.6在他的部落客裡長期觀察網路趨勢,一直深信網路還有新的方向。我 們以介紹給客戶最新的行銷概念為主要工作,我們綜合最新的成功案例為靈感,為客戶發 想一些新點子,漸漸累積了可貴的執行經驗。 儘管來信眾多,我們最多只慎選接五~六個案子,養活自己,只希望好好的將最新的題 材運用到我們的客戶的需求,三年來,團隊接案無數,終於於去年夏天,因應facebook行 銷需求量爆增,Mr.6團隊進入了較有規模的組織,但原則不變,我們希望以最正統的方式 ,為客戶導入最精華的社群行銷。 客戶的需求有許多不同,我們堅持完全的客製化,但也教育客戶,行銷應該以長期為考 量,在短戰的時候,也要注意長期的鋪路,如果能將短期的投入,在未來可以重覆使用該 有多好! ☆點子構想☆ ◎TED (Ideas worth spreading) http://www.ted.com/ ﹡現今熱門的點子分享網站,讓全世界和你同步分享自己的創意構想!在眾多創意中找 尋屬於自己的創業好點子! §About The Website§ TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984 ) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences -- the TED Conference in Long Beach and Palm Springs each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Edinburgh UK each summer -- TED includes the award-winning TEDTalks video site, the Open Translation Project and TED Conversations, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize. Our mission: Spreading ideas. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other. This site, launched April 2007, is an ever-evolving work in progress, and you're an important part of it. Have an idea? We want to hear from you. 以上的網站會持續更新增加,ASES同時會在每周固定從這些網站轉錄幾篇文章來跟大家 分享,讓大家一同討論! 想要先睹為快創業資訊嗎?那就點閱上面網站跟上時代潮流吧!或許下一位成功創業家 就將會是你喔! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ASESer 來自: (08/30 19:52) ※ 編輯: ASESer 來自: (08/30 19:54) ※ 編輯: ASESer 來自: (08/30 22:17)

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