[情人] 搭末班車刷個圖

看板AI_Art作者 (SONEhunler)時間1年前 (2023/02/16 21:45), 編輯推噓0(000)
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首發,前幾天看到活動有跑個幾張,但一直崩在手的部分,沒留圖。 prompt:valentine Negative prompt: (((deformed))),disfigured, poorly drawn face,(ugly), (poorly drawn hands), messy drawing,blurred, lowers,disfigured, missing legs, extra arms,(((one hand with more than 5 fingers))), (((one hand with less than5 fingers))),bad hands, fused hand, missing hand, disappearing arms, (反向詞把之前某處找到的大全抓幾個來跑,全丟進去也無法避免怪異) Steps: 43, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 8, Seed: 298586836, Size: 704x960, Model hash: 8712e20a5d, Clip skip: 2, ENSD: 31337 總覽: https://imgur.com/IHC8J6M
1、 https://imgur.com/7OZniL9
(消失的手...) 2、 https://imgur.com/hI3F5FJ
(看似正常,但左手臂???) 3、 https://imgur.com/6DUEf0M
(不管細節的話已經有75分了) 4、 https://imgur.com/tysIAdj
好像是最正常的一張 5、 https://imgur.com/CRRHZQh
(神秘的右手臂...) 6、 https://imgur.com/F6yTLij
7、 https://imgur.com/fbVdOJH
(除了包包上的愛心吊飾,看不出哪裡跟情人節有關....) 8、 https://imgur.com/ngMdKJb
9、 https://imgur.com/dz4c5Rm
10、 https://imgur.com/otbc2TI
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