
看板AIR_JORDAN作者 (motivation)時間21年前 (2003/05/15 17:47), 編輯推噓3(300)
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輯/賴曉瑩 ◆『我已站在世界的顛峰,我已了無憾恨。』 "I've reached the poinnacle of my career.I just feel that I don't have anything else to prove." ◆『我回來了。』 "I'm back." ◆『我從不去想那些我丟掉的分數,因為一旦你想了,你也就失敗了。』 "I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot....when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result." ◆『如果有人超越了我,我絕不讓他有第二次機會。』 "If someone gets the best of me,I try not to let that happen again." ◆『我相信只要盡力一定會開花結果,所以我總是全力以赴以達到最好。』 "I've always believe that if you put in the work.The result will come. I don't do things half-heartedly results." ◆『在我還沒試過以前,我絕不接受失敗。』 "I can accept failuer,but I can't accept not trying." ◆『在我一生中,有超過九千球沒投進,輸了快三百場比賽,有26次隊友都相信我 能投進那致勝一球,而我卻失手了。我一而再,再而三的失敗,而這就是我成 功的原因。』 "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career.I've lost almost 300 games. 26times,Ive been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.I've failed over and over again in my life.And that is why I succeed." ◆『我簡直不敢相信,他是如何投進那一球的,又是如何在空中停留那麼久。』 ——Brad Daugherty "I can't believe he hit that shot.I don't know how he stayed in the air that long." 騎士隊在1989年進入東區季後賽,首輪對上公牛的第五場中,Brad Daugherty對於 喬丹在最後一秒逆轉情勢的"The shot"俯首稱臣。 ◆『一旦球到了喬丹手裡,其他人就只有閃一邊涼快的份。』——Doug Collins "Give the ball to Michael and everyone else get the @#&% out of the way." 公牛隊教練Doug Collins驕傲的說。 ◆『我想喬丹是上帝假扮的。』——Larry Bird "I think he's God disguise as Micheal Jordan." 1986年賽爾蒂克隊在季後賽第一輪對上公牛,第二場喬丹狂得63分,Larry Bird 震撼下所言 ◆『只要你一有遲疑,你就會在禮品店裡看到喬丹英姿煥發的新海報。』 ——Felton Spencer "You don't hesitate with Michael,or you'll end up on some poster in a gift shop some place." ◆『公牛隊在92年與拓荒者隊爭取最後的冠軍,這場球賽是我看過最精彩的球賽, 而喬丹三分球的爆發力也是我前所未見,在喬丹連續投進第六個三分球,他甚至 對Mike和我聳聳肩像在說,沒有辦法我就是那麼準。』——場邊播報員Marv Albert 說 "The Chicago Bull' Michael Jordan's three-point explosion in GameⅠof the 1992 NBA finals against Portland is easily one of the greatest peformance I have been I've ever seen.As he made his sixth straight,he winked directly at (broadcast partner) Mike(Fratllo) and me and held his palms up in shrug, as if to say,'What can I do?'" ◆『我也希望這一天永遠不要來,因為這將是公牛最寒冷,也是芝加哥最嚴峻的一天』 ——Jerry Reinsdrof "This is a day that I had hoped never come.It has to be the toughest day in the history of Chicago Bulls.It's a tough day for Chicago." 1999年1月13日喬丹宣布退休時,公牛隊老闆Jerry Reinsdrof萬般不捨的說 ◆『全世界的球迷何其幸運,喬丹的天才美化了比賽。』——David Stern "Basketball around the world extraordinarily fortunate that he graced our game with his talents." ◆『喬丹證實了人類可以飛翔。』——美國前總統Bill Clinton "Michael Jordan prove that human can fly." 本文節錄自 FAREWELL JORDAN -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:

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