[譯文] A-Rod's wife says slugger passed out …

看板A-Rod作者 (耿秋)時間16年前 (2008/05/07 15:17), 編輯推噓27(2704)
留言31則, 24人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
資料來源: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080506/ap_on_sp_ba_ne/bba_yankees_rodriguez A-Rod's wife says slugger passed out at 1st daughter's birth Tue May 6, 5:29 PM ET 標題: A-Rod老婆說A-Rod這位長打者在他第一個女兒出生時昏倒了 1. A-Rod在他第一個女兒生產的過程中昏倒了 (OS: 比我還弱...XD)。Cynthia Rodriquez身為一位洋基球星的老婆,在YES Nework的"YESterdays"的節目中說出了這 段插曲,這段訪問內容預計於週三晚上播出,她表示: "一位護士放了一條溼布在他頭 上。另一位護士則放在血壓計在他手臂上。我媽媽則好像搓著他的背。然後他咳了一 聲就昏倒了。而我還在那兒,還在努力地把小孩生出來。" 2. 她繼續說: "而且說真的,那時我並沒有太去注意一旁的醫生和一群的護士。而他就在 那裡呻吟著,而我在不斷施力讓嬰兒生出來時,還一邊喚著: '親愛的,你還好吧?' 以及 '你還在呼吸嗎? 你還好嗎?'" 3. Natasha Alexander Rodiriguez出生在2004年11月18日。 4. 根據星期二YES播出的片斷,A-Rod老婆說: "他啊,看起來像是個身材高大的硬漢,但 碰到要看醫生或是需要醫療的情況實際上卻很沒用。我不知道為什麼我倒覺得生我們 自己的小孩其實沒什麼不一樣。那天半夜,我覺得要生了需要去醫院,我把他搖醒, 他嘴吧說出的第一話就是: '我們可以打電話叫你媽媽來幫忙嗎?'...幾個小時後,我 告訴他: '我想你可以打電話叫我媽來了!' 嗯, 當我告訴可以打電話叫我媽來時,那 時我才看到他發白的臉上有了血色。 5. A-Rod上週從紐約飛到邁阿密地區的一家醫院,大約是在他第二個女兒-Ella Alexander Rodriguez出生大約10分鐘後抵達,那天是4月21日。 6. Alex和Cynthia是1996年在邁阿一家健身房相遇的。A-Rod說: "我已經整整觀察她 一個月了。我想瞭解她日常的生活時程,想知道她什麼時候會進到健身房,時間是 不是很固定。之後我相當確定,她就像機器一樣時程相當的固定。她一下班就會到   健身房,使用跑步機然後練腹部肌肉。最後,看了她三週半以後,我鼓足了勇氣跟 她說: '我知道妳再來練腹肌了,我可以跟妳一起練嗎?" 7. Cynthia Rodriquez表示她一開始並不清楚A-Rod受歡迎的程度,她說: "我知道他 在打棒球,因為健身房裡的每個人都說: '妳知道他是誰嗎? 以及他是個打棒球的' 或相類似的話。我不是生長在一個熱愛運動比賽的家庭,所以我不太清楚原來運動 競技可以拿來養家活口。所以當他們說: '他是個打棒球球的。' 我總是想著: '哦, 那我很想知道他是在幹嘛的'-就像'打棒球是很好的嗜好啊-那他真正的工作到底 是什麼啊?'" NEW YORK - Alex Rodriguez passed out during the birth of his first daughter. "The one nurse had a cold cloth on his head. The other nurse had the blood pressure on his arm. And my mother was like rubbing his back. And he is passed out on a couch. And I am there, in the middle of labor," Cynthia Rodriguez, wife of the New York Yankees star, said on an episode of the YES Network's "YESterdays" that is scheduled to be broadcast Wednesday night. "And really, I am not being paid much attention to besides the doctor and a couple of nurses," she said. "And he is there moaning. In between pushing, I am going, `Honey, are you OK?' and `Are you breathing? Are you OK?' " Natasha Alexander Rodriguez was born on Nov. 18, 2004. "As tough and big as he seems, he is real wimpy around doctors or any type of medical situation," Cynthia Rodriguez said, according to excerpts released Tuesday by YES. "I don't know why I thought the birth of our child would be different. In the middle of the night, I realized that I needed to go to the hospital. I wake him up. The first thing that comes out of his mouth, `Can we call your mother?' ... A few hours later, I said, `I think you can call my mom now.' Uh, and the color came back to his face when I told him he could call my mom." A-Rod traveled from New York last week and arrived at a Miami-area hospital about 10 minutes after the birth of his second daughter, Ella Alexander Rodriguez, on April 21. Alex and Cynthia met in 1996 at a gym in Miami. "I scouted her out for a month," he said. "I wanted to see her routine, and I wanted to see what time she came in, see how consistent she was. And sure enough, she was like a machine. She would come in right after work, and get on the treadmill and do her abs. And finally, I build enough courage after about 3 1/2 weeks. And I said, `I know you are going to go do some abs after. And do you mind if I join you?" Cynthia said she was unaware of his celebrity status at first. "I know he played baseball, because everybody in the gym said, `Do you know who that is? And he plays baseball' or whatever," she said. "I didn't grow up in a sports-oriented family. So, I wasn't aware that you could have an entire livelihood off of a sport. So when they would say, `Oh, he plays baseball,' I always think, `Oh, I wonder what else he does' — like `that's a nice hobby — but what does he really do?" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/07 15:21, , 1F
05/07 15:21, 1F
※ 編輯: leddy 來自: (05/07 15:28)

05/07 15:28, , 2F
05/07 15:28, 2F

05/07 15:29, , 3F
05/07 15:29, 3F

05/07 15:32, , 4F
推,超好笑!! 『那他真正的工作到底是什麼啊?』
05/07 15:32, 4F

05/07 15:32, , 5F
05/07 15:32, 5F

05/07 15:34, , 6F
我比較在意他先觀察了人家長達一個月......= =
05/07 15:34, 6F

05/07 15:34, , 7F
那很正常吧....我觀察了四年還不是不敢追-_- 囧~~~~~~
05/07 15:34, 7F

05/07 15:38, , 8F
樓上的觀察太久了=.= 勇敢一點!免得被人捷足先登
05/07 15:38, 8F

05/07 15:38, , 9F
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05/07 15:42, , 10F
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05/07 15:46, , 11F
嗯呀,聽說結婚囉。 A-Rod會不會是怕看到血??
05/07 15:46, 11F

05/07 15:50, , 12F
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05/07 18:14, , 17F
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05/07 19:06, , 18F
難怪A-ROD很少受傷XDD 但別因為怕醫生就說病痛好了T^T
05/07 19:06, 18F

05/07 19:12, , 19F
推他真正的工作是打全壘打 那肉嫂的工作是什麼呀?
05/07 19:12, 19F

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05/07 19:22, , 21F
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05/07 20:51, , 22F
好可愛又好好笑啦 XD
05/07 20:51, 22F

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05/09 06:52, , 28F
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05/09 08:53, , 29F
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05/09 21:02, , 30F
樓上說出了火星人的心聲 XDD
05/09 21:02, 30F

06/30 19:21, 4年前 , 31F
推他真正的工作是打全壘 http://yofuk.com
06/30 19:21, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #188LTuAE (A-Rod)