[新聞] A-Rod could go anywhere after opting out

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出處:http://tinyurl.com/yp6yfp A-Rod could go anywhere after opting out BY MARK FEINSAND and BILL MADDEN DAILY NEWS SPORTS WRITERS 紐約日報列出有興趣買上等肉的球隊。(參考看看囉~) Now that Alex Rodriguez has decided to opt out of his contract, the $252 million man will be looking to redefine himself with a new number, possibly one in the $300 million range. 既然A-Rod決定離開,他將會會對自己的價值重作定義,大概是三億左右。 It will be interesting to see whether Scott Boras can find a team to commit the type of dollars A-Rod is seeking, though most industry sources agree the agent wouldn't have encouraged his client to opt out without the belief that they had a safety net somewhere. 啾竟~~波拉斯能找到出得起這筆錢的買家嗎? So where will A-Rod end up? The Yankees are adamant it won't be back in the Bronx, so here's a look at eight other potential landing spots for the superstar, ranked in order of their chances to land Rodriguez: A-Rod不可能再回洋基,那麼會花落誰家呢?以下列出八位有潛力追星的競爭對手: SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS: They need a major attraction now that they have cut ties with Barry Bonds, and A-Rod would be a natural as he pursues Bonds' all-time home run record. GM Brian Sabean only agreed to come back after being promised by owner Peter Magowan that Bonds would not be re-signed. With Bonds accounting for so much of the Giants' payroll, Sabean complained that ownership tied his hands in his efforts to build a team around him, and he grew weary of trying to fill holes with low-cost, free-agent leftovers such as Rich Aurilia and Ray Durham. 舊金山巨人:A-Rod正好可以填邦茲的洞,繼續追逐全壘打紀錄。但是因為預算上限, 這個洞想找價格平易近人的人來補。 DETROIT TIGERS: Mike Ilitch replaced Tom Hicks a couple of years ago as Boras' go-to owner, getting expensive pacts for Ivan Rodriguez, Magglio Ordonez and Kenny Rogers, so they must be considered players here. Detroit's infield would receive a great lift by inserting A-Rod at third base for Brandon Inge, but it's questionable whether Ilitch has the resources to do a deal of this magnitude with Boras. 底特律老虎:將A-Rod安插到三壘取代Brandon Inge,老虎隊的內野防守陣容等級 可望提升,但是Mike Ilitch的本錢是否足夠跟波拉斯談合約,是個 問號。 FLORIDA MARLINS: Although Rodriguez's salary would eclipse the Marlins' entire payroll, they are trying to land a stadium deal, and the addition of Miami's favorite son could help them achieve their goal. The biggest drawback for a happy homecoming is that owner Jeffrey Loria doesn't have the deep pockets to make this an easy transaction, so he would have to get creative to make it work. 佛羅里達馬林魚:雖然A-Rod一個人的薪水就足以抵過整個球隊的薪資,馬大魚仍 然興致勃勃。優點是他們可以利用"回家真好"的溫情攻勢,但 是這需要創意才可行。 MARINERS: The M's have deep-pocketed stealth owners in Nintendo, which would like to bring A-Rod back to where he started. However, Seattle sources say they're not prepared to go all-in with a big deal like this. Attendance at Safeco Field has not been over 3million in the last four seasons, and the return of Rodriguez surely would put some more fannies in the seats. In order to fit him in, they would have to move third base- man Adrian Beltre, but that probably wouldn't be an issue since he is also a Boras client. 西雅圖水手:水兵與A-Rod的淵源深厚,或許A-Rod會想回到他最初發跡的地方。但 是消息指出水兵應該不會認真地角逐這樣的大合約,雖然A-Rod會為 他們帶來人氣,刺激票房;為了將他擺在三壘,勢必要移走Adrian Beltre,而他也是波拉斯的客戶。 L.A. ANGELS: Although it's no secret the Angels are desperate for a power hitter, owner Arte Moreno is adamant about not tying up nearly a third of his payroll with one player. "It's not a good business practice," Moreno said recently. According to sources, Moreno also has assured Bud Selig that he has no intentions of being a player for Rodriguez, who has expressed his admiration for the Angels and manager Mike Scioscia for years. Moreno must also soon deal with Vladimir Guerrero, whose contract has just one year plus an option left. 加州天使:天使一直想要大炮手早已不是秘密,但是老闆說堅持,為了一位球員而 付出整個薪資的三分之一並不是一件好事;況且他們還有別的合約要傷 腦筋。 L.A. DODGERS: A large-market team in need of a slugger and a third baseman, but Dodgers owner Frank McCourt probably doesn't have the resources to give Rodriguez and Boras the kind of contract they are seeking. Throw in the possibility that Joe Torre could become the new manager, which would be a deterrent for A-Rod, and this scenario becomes even less likely. 加州道奇:一支需要重砲手與三壘手的豪門球團。但是大老板應該付不出A-Rod所 要求的價錢(除非挖到金礦、鑽石礦或石油)。但是托瑞爺接領教練,可 能有加分作用。 CHICAGO CUBS: Lou Piniella loves A-Rod, and the Cubs don't have a franchise shortstop. But they also don't have an owner, and they're not expected to get one until next spring. In the meantime, the Tribune Co. is under severe financial restraints from the commissioner's office, rendering them non- players in the Rodriguez sweepstakes. 芝加哥小熊:Lou Piniella愛A-Rod,而且小熊沒有好的游擊手。但是球團內部有麻 煩,下賭注標A-Rod的機會不大。 BOSTON RED SOX: Whatever thoughts A-Rod had of going to Boston were quashed when he upstaged their World Series victory Sunday night. CEO Larry Lucchino issued a statement expressing his dismay at such blatant disrespect from A-Rod and Boras, calling it "kind of strange timing." 波斯頓紅襪:這就別提了,選在那樣的時機宣布恢復自由之身,搶走了他們封王的 焦點;留下了不好的印象給總裁 Larry Lucchino METS: Despite media speculation about the Mets being players and moving David Wright to first base, the image-conscious Wilpons are no fans of A-Rod and his off-the-field foibles, and would never commit that much money on one player. Especially a "24-and-1" type of player. 紐約大都會:媒體猜測梅子也會是角逐者,並且把Wright移到一壘;但是神智清醒的 Wilpons不喜歡A-Rod,可能不會為一位球員付那麼多,尤其是24-and-1 ,一名薪資昂貴、與其他24人有所劃分的球員。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 最後一句真是超級酸,而且寫得好像沒有人會簽A-Rod,這些紐約媒體啊, 讓人受不了,難怪A-Rod會想走了。 有一些球團的事務我不是很清楚,若有錯誤請指正,謝謝。 ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 宇宙裡的微小塵埃 http://www.wretch.cc/album/AllyDai -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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