[譯文] I know things now, many valuable things

看板A-Rod作者 (視角年代)時間18年前 (2006/09/24 06:04), 編輯推噓2(200)
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I know things now, many valuable things Thoughts on A-Rod and Girardi, and one stressful weekend 原文http://0rz.net/3c1TG By Steven Goldman / Special to YESNetwork.com THE WALRUS WAS A-ROD 那個海象是 A-Rod. I have, I think, a loyal reader in Tony of High Point, N.C. He writes often, even if it's usually to disagree with me, and I appreciate the effort to keep me on my toes. Yesterday he wrote to "accept [my] apology" for dismissing his criticisms of A-Rod. From Tony's previous notes, I would suspect that Tony would prefer a case of bubonic plague to having A-Rod on the Yankees for one minute more. I guess he feels that Tom Verducci's now famous Rodriguez piece validates his complaints. 我想我曾經是北卡 High Point 的 Tony 的忠實讀者。他勤於寫作,雖然通常都 與我想法相左,然而我感激他的文章讓我保持審慎的態度。昨天他寫了 "接受我 的道歉"一文來駁回他自己對 A-Rod 的批評。從 Tony 上個備忘錄來看,我會懷 疑 Tony 傾向於繼續讓待在洋基的 A-Rod 比做黑死病。我猜想他覺得 Tom Verducci 現在這篇有關 Rodriguez 的出名文章讓他抱怨變的理直氣壯。 Tony is right about some of the things for which he faults Rodriguez. "I said that his never ending self-promotion was tiresome, and that when he had a terrible game he told us about the great game he had the day before." Very true. And yet, neither this aspect of A-Rod's personality, nor the previously privileged conversations revealed by Joe Torre and Jason Giambi in the Verducci piece, really do nothing to address Rodriguez's inherent value. If anything, they reflect more poorly on Giambi, Torre, and the Yankees than they do on Rodriguez. Tony 挑 Rodriguez 毛病的論點中有一部分是對的。"我說阿,他總是不斷地自我 推銷實在令人厭煩,而當他有個難堪的比賽後他會告訴我們他之前的比賽是多麼 威風。"灰熊中肯。然而,不管是這個對於 A-Rod 人格的觀點或是由 Verducci 之前的專訪文章裡所揭露 Joe Torre 與 Jason Giambi 的說法,完全都無從認 定 Rodriguez 與生俱來的重要性。如果真有什麼的話,他們揭露了更多 Giambi 、 Torre 以及洋基應對 Rodriguez 事件的不足之處。 The piece says neither that Rodriguez doesn't care nor that he isn't trying. At worst it says that he's obtuse, or that he can't level with himself; that he's so protective of his self-image that he can't face the truth when he's not playing well. That's a failing, though probably a common one. Still, it clearly irks Rodriguez's teammates as much as it does the fans. It irks them enough to air the problem in the press, something we haven't seen from the Yankees in years. Make no mistake — the Rodriguez article would not have been written in the same way without explicit cooperation from the Yankees. That is not an honorable way to deal with a teammate. 該文既沒說 Rodriguez 不關心低潮也不是他沒有嘗試改進。從壞處來看他挺鈍 的,或是他不能對坦率的面對自己;他是如此的維護他的自我形象以至於當他表 現的不盡理想時無法面對現實。這是一個很多人都可能有的缺點。然而這顯然讓 Rodriguez 的隊友與其球迷同感厭倦。厭倦到讓他們將這個問題訴諸媒體,這些 是過去幾年來在洋基未曾發生過的。可別誤會了─這篇 Rodriguez 的報導可不 是經由洋基直接協力完成的。這並不是對待同隊隊友的高尚方式。 Rodriguez is going to have the best season ever that fans and teammates judged worthless, primarily because he's been weak in pressure situations and he's gone through long spells of being tentative on defense. It's not worthless — not by a long shot — but the more Rodriguez refused to acknowledge his own failings, the worse he seemed to everyone else. 而在球迷與隊友數落 Rodriguez 的無用時,他將要有個最棒的球季,起初因為 他已經在充斥壓力的環境裡軟化,然後他也曾嘗試長期準備好防禦。這是徒勞無 功的─不是用長遠的角度看─一旦 Rodriguez 一再拒絕承認自己處於低潮的話 ,每個人對他的看法只會更難堪而已。 The message of the Yankees to A-Rod, ludicrous as it seems, was not just "We don't like that you're playing badly," but, "We don't like the way you act when you're playing badly." As my New York Sun colleague Tim Marchman wrote, Rodriguez is "like a schoolchild who responds to taunts and bullying exactly the way teachers and parents tell children to, and can't understand why this just inspires harsher taunting and crueler bullying." 這是洋基給 A-Rod 的訊息,這看來挺荒唐可笑的的,不僅僅只是"我們不喜歡你 現在打的不好,"而是"我們不喜歡你表現不佳時的反應。"一如我在紐約太陽報 的同行 Tim Marchman 所寫的, Rodriguez "像是一個被嘲鬧與欺負的學童反應 的模式卻像是老師與家長所教的標準動作,而且不懂為什麼這樣做只招來更嚴厲 的嘲弄與更殘忍的欺負。" In that example, Rodriguez's Yankees teammates are the bullies, and that's not a flattering thing. Reread the article and pretend it doesn't say that Rodriguez isn't playing well but that he's different in some other way from your typical athlete. Pretend he's gay, or a Satanist, wears a dress on his day off, reads Martha Stewart Living instead of car magazines, or is just weirdly bookish for an athlete. Change nothing else. The comments made by the Yankees to and about A-Rod don't change at all with the context. In large part they dislike him because he's different. Yet, who cares HOW he doesn't hit as long as he finally starts hitting? 在那這個例子裡, Rodriguez 的洋基隊友就像恃強凌弱的壞小孩,這可不是恭 維。重讀該篇報導然後假裝它沒說 Rodriguez 打的並不好,而是 A-Rod 不是你 心目中那種典型的運動家。假裝他是同性戀者或是異教徒,會在他的休息日穿著 女裝,讀瑪莎生活雜誌而不是汽車雜誌,反正就是跟書上寫的運動家不太一樣。 除此之外不變。這些評論是由洋基所做而且就整個上下文看來 A-Rod 自始至終 都沒有改變。廣義的來說他們不喜歡他是因為他與眾不同。然而,有誰關心他是 "怎麼"從打不出個蛋來到開始打得火熱的? The Verducci article was a betrayal, not by Verducci, who did an excellent job with the access given him, but by the Yankees. Rodriguez is not welcome on the Yankees. That much is clear. The Yankees should be horrified at the thought of losing him, because at any given moment 25 or 27 of the alternatives are probably worse. Yet, after this article one could not blame Rodriguez for seeking a trade. With supportive friends like these, you don't need enemies. Verducci 那篇報導並不是洩密,至少不是 Verducci 做的,誰做了這個絕妙的 決定來給他採訪權的?洋基給的。 Rodriguez 在洋基不受歡迎。這樣說清楚多 了吧。就失去 A-Rod 的念頭來說洋基是該恐懼的,不管是在哪個時候不管是哪 個模稜兩可的選項都只會更糟。可是,在這篇文章之後就不能指責 A-Rod 尋求 交易了。有著像這樣如此有力的朋友們,你不會需要敵人。 譯文僅供參考。只節譯有關 A-Rod 的部份。 -- 長い助走が終わりつつあります。飛翔の為の準備を始めました。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

09/24 06:10, , 1F
09/24 06:10, 1F

09/24 07:48, , 2F
09/24 07:48, 2F
※ 編輯: pathfinder 來自: (09/24 10:11)
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