[譯文] You've got to hide your love away

看板A-Rod作者 (視角年代)時間18年前 (2006/09/22 21:44), 編輯推噓4(400)
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You've got to hide your love away Health problems, the A-Rod article, and Posada praise 原文 http://0rz.net/3c1TG By Steven Goldman/Special to YESNetwork.com DID SOMEONE BRING UP ALEX RODRIGUEZ? 有誰談到 Alex Rodriguez 了啊? Oh yeah. I guess I did. Read the already famous Sports Illustrated story last night. I had to laugh at the timing. Rodriguez had been enjoying a strong September, putting up good numbers with the pressure off. Seems to me that this sort of stretch was — pardon the expression — just what the doctor ordered. Rodriguez could rebuild his confidence and, perhaps, carry that good feeling over into the playoffs. The SI piece may change that, stirring up all the bad feelings all over again. 喔,係阿。我猜是我。昨晚讀到運動畫刊的那個已相當出名的文章後。我不 得不笑說這來的真不是時候。 Rodriguez 享受著火熱的九月,由於壓力的 解除讓他繳出不錯的數據。看來我得伸個懶腰─容我稍後解釋─就像醫生交 待的一樣。 Rodriguez 能夠重建他的自信,也許帶著不錯的手感過完這個 季後賽。然而 SI 也許會改變現狀,再次地翻弄那些不好的回憶。 I'm not sure what to think of the article. It paints Rodriguez as being oblivious to his own problems. His lack of contrition, remorse, self-flagellation, seems to bother other Yankees, like Jason Giambi, more than the poor results themselves. What Giambi seems to be saying in the article is not so much, "We're unhappy because you're not getting the big hits," but, "We can't relate to you because you don't seem upset about this." I'm not saying that reaction is wrong or insincere. I'm just not sure that it's entirely fair. Rodriguez is who he is, and if it's not in his personality to trash the clubhouse after an 0-for-4 day, that doesn't matter so long as he cares that he went 0-for-4. Talk is cheap, and so is broken clubhouse furniture. 我不確定我從那篇文章看到什麼。那貼了 Rodriguez 一張對自己的問題健忘的 標籤。他不知悔改、不知自責、自吹自擂,看起來似乎困擾了其他的洋基人,例 如 Jason Giambi ,他們做出一卡車的貧乏結論。 Giambi 要表達的意思並不是 那篇文章裡所寫的,"因為你沒打出大支的所以我們不太高興,"但是"因為你看起 來似乎對這些低潮不太在意所以我們無法與你相處。"我不是要說這些反應是錯的 或是不老實。我只是不確定這是不是徹底的公平。 Rodriguez 他就是這樣的人, 假設在四打數全摃龜的一天後把球員休息室搞的烏煙瘴氣不是他的作風,那長久 以來他對那些爛表現的態度也就不令人意外。打嘴砲很簡單,就跟弄壞休息室裡 的傢俱一樣。 As always, everything with A-Rod seems to be related to the poor job he does communicating. Apparently the same overly polished delivery fans find so off-putting bothers his teammates as well. They can't tell if he is bothered when he goes 0-for-4, and they can't tell if he understands that a 2-for-4 with the game out of reach is of limited value to the winning effort, even if it does bolster his statistics. 一如往常的,每件跟 A-Rod 有關的鳥事都跟他拙劣的溝通能力有關。顯然地一 些過度斟酌的言詞跟牽扯他的隊友的言論在球迷聽來都一樣令他們厭惡。他們 無法認定如果他四打數都摃龜是不是陷入麻煩了,而他們也無法判別一場比賽 裡四打數二安打對比賽的勝利貢獻有限的道理他懂不懂,即使那能美化他的數據。 If A-Rod had reached out to his teammates, it might not have changed the results at the plate, but it would have changed their perception of him and perhaps by extension the fans' perception of him as well. It's not effort that is lacking with Rodriguez, and it's often not results. It isn't even the money. It's who he is. Do you change that just to please others? 假使 A-Rod 曾對隊友伸出雙手求助的話,也許不會改變站上打擊區後的結果, 然而這會改變隊友對他的觀感,而這可能也會連帶影響到球迷對他的觀感。這 是 A-Rod 所缺乏且未曾努力過的事,然而事情不可能盡如人意。這甚至不是錢 的問題。這就是他的個性。你會只為了取悅他人而改變你的個性嗎? 原文僅供參考。此文僅節譯有關 A-Rod 的部份。 -- 長い助走が終わりつつあります。飛翔の為の準備を始めました。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

09/23 00:02, , 1F
09/23 00:02, 1F

09/23 00:54, , 2F
09/23 00:54, 2F

09/23 00:57, , 3F
09/23 00:57, 3F

09/23 12:03, , 4F
broken furniture真的只是休息室的家具很便宜所以砸了沒差
09/23 12:03, 4F
※ 編輯: pathfinder 來自: (09/24 04:18)
文章代碼(AID): #154-YkLE (A-Rod)