[譯文] Errors of no concern to A-Rod

看板A-Rod作者 (LET'S GO YANKEES!!!)時間18年前 (2006/08/12 12:48), 編輯推噓4(402)
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From NYY official site http://0rz.net/dd1HK As reporters crowded around Alex Rodriguez's locker before Friday's series opener against the Angels, there was a long silence before any question was asked. 在對天使隊賽前,一大批媒體擠在Arod休息室的置物櫃前,但隔了好久都沒有記者開口, 全場一片靜默。 A day after Rodriguez committed yet another costly throwing error, the topic of whether the Yankees third baseman was lapsing back into his fielding mishaps from a couple of weeks ago was a difficult one to broach. 在Arod發生失誤後,幾個禮拜前在討論Arod是否回神的話題又被提及。 "It has been going good lately," said the unconcerned superstar. "That's all I can say." Arod冷冷的說:"我只能說之後就好了。" Error No. 19 of the season came in the White Sox four-run second inning on Thursday. With no outs and runners on first and second, Joe Crede hit what appeared to be a routine double-play grounder to A-Rod, but Rodriguez seemed to short-arm the throw and it went well wide of second base, allowing a run to score. Arod在週四對白襪的第二局發生了第19次的失誤,那局白襪一舉攻得4分。在1、2壘有人 ,無人出局的情況下,Joe Crede打出了三壘方向標準的雙殺球,但Arod似乎傳短了且沒 傳到位,讓1名跑者回來得分。 Manager Joe Torre said he couldn't tell from the bench how far off-target the throw was, but that he figured it wasn't close since Robinson Cano only waved at it. After watching it on television on Friday, Torre chuckled. Like his third baseman, he isn't worried. Torre說從選手區看過去他無法分辨Arod傳多歪,但他當時想說可能偏蠻多的。在看過 週五Torre在看過電視的重播後,咯咯地笑了出來,他並不擔心Arod。 "It wasn't a very good throw," Torre said with a laugh. "He's been fine at third base. That thing came out of nowhere. ... As far as I'm concerned, [his problem is] solved." Torre笑著說:"這球的確傳不好,但我看不出來他有任何問題。就我而言,他之前的問 題早就解決了,這應該是個個案。" The last time A-Rod made an error was on July 21 in the Toronto series. He also committed three errors in one game earlier that series. A-Rod is second in the American League in errors behind only Detroit shortstop Carlos Guillen. 上一次Arod發生失誤是在7月21日對藍鳥的比賽,他在對藍鳥系列賽之前的一場比賽也發 生了3次失誤。Arod在美聯的失誤數排名第2,僅落後老虎游擊手Carlos Guillen。 Rodriguez's problem this season has been more with his release than the catch. In Toronto, it was determined that he was letting his arm drop too low, making his throws sail. A-Rod also wasn't getting his feet set in the right position, Torre said. Arod在本季的問題大多出在傳球,Torre說,之前在藍鳥主場比賽的時候,教練團就告訴 Arod說他的肩膀放太低了,使得他的傳球會飄掉,還有他跨出去的第一步也往往沒有到 正確的位置。 There has been some talk among fans that A-Rod was coming down with Chuck Knoblauch-itis. Knoblauch, a former Gold-Glove winner, went into a terrible throwing rut while playing second base for the Yankees in 1999 and 2000, all but ending his career after a short stint in left field. 有許多球迷在討論Arod可能會步上Knoblauch的後塵。Knoblauch,前金手套得主, 在當洋基二壘手(1999、2000)的時候,因為陷入失誤麻煩而使得他大受影響,幾乎 斷送了他的球員生涯 (除了短暫守過左外野的那段時間)。 But Torre dismissed that idea, saying that Knoblauch's problem was more mental while Rodriguez's issue was simply with mechanics. Torre said Thursday's mistake appeared to be that he just tried to make the perfect, slow toss instead of just whipping it to second. Torre駁斥了球迷的傳言,他說Knoblauch是因為心理壓力過大,而Arod僅僅只是技術 上出現小瑕疵,兩者不能相提並論。Torre說週四Arod那個失誤顯示出Arod想要丟個 完美的小拋球,沒丟好而已。 Torre said he isn't afraid to talk to Rodriguez about the problem, but that he doesn't feel the need to. Torre說他不怕和Arod討論失誤的話題,只是他覺得沒有討論的必要。 "If I feel he's got a chronic problem then we talk about it," Torre said. "He feels bad enough without the manager dissecting something that we can't change." Torre說:"如果我發現他常常在失誤我才會和他討論,況且他已經夠自責了。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/12 13:41, , 1F
Let's Go Arod!!
08/12 13:41, 1F

08/12 17:34, , 2F
辛苦了 推!
08/12 17:34, 2F

08/12 18:08, , 3F
08/12 18:08, 3F

08/12 21:04, , 4F
Let's Go Arod!!
08/12 21:04, 4F

08/12 22:00, , 5F
推用掉了... 推一個
08/12 22:00, 5F

08/13 08:55, , 6F
08/13 08:55, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #14tLsJZJ (A-Rod)